According to Gregory calendar, on April 01, the day number in a year is 91 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 92. April 01 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 01 April in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1234An Englishman lost the Battle of Kurgh in Ireland, at the same place where an Australian will win 1297 Battle of Sterling Bridge in Scotland after many years.
1293Robert Vinhalsi left Rome for England was preserved by the Pope, only to find that there was no one.
1572Spanish General and Governor Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Alba's 3D Duke lost their glasses in Berbe city, causing seaborgers to go inside.
1748The ruins of Pompeii were discovered by the Spanish Roque Joaquin de Alcubier.
1778New Orleans businessman Oliver Pollock embodies the "$ ".
1789Frederick Muhalenberg became the first to qualify under the strict order of the Constitution of the United States, define a head of the house for the purposes of the US government.
1826Samuel Mori patented an internal combustion engine.
1829Vicente Guerrero becomes President of Mexico
183316 legislatures from 18 Mexican states elected General Antonio López de Santa Anna as President of Mexico.
1833Mexican Texas met San Felip de Austin to combat evil.
1850SF County Government was established.
1852The Second Anglo-Burma War began.
1854Hard Times began serializing Charles Dickens magazine in domestic terms.
1863Wartime recruitment legislation went into effect in America for the first time.
1865Ordered to keep five thorns, Confederate General George Pickens lost around 3,000.
1867The international exhibition opened in Paris.
1868Hampton General and Agricultural Institute was established in the Hamptons of Virginia.
1886In the US, a strike was organized to schedule time for workers, after which May 01 was declared as International Labor Day.
1893Established in the United States as Navy Chief Patty Officer.
1918The British Armed Forces started giving personnel the power to fly.
1945Rain crashed into an iceberg Okinawa, known as 'Rain Steel Rain', causing various species of natives of Britain and America to herds.
1946Singapore became a Crown Colony.
1949Tokyo Stock Exchange was established.
1956The polio vaccine developed by American medical researcher and virologist Jonas Salk was made available to the public.
1958BBC Radiophonic Workshop established.
1970American Motors Corporation introduced Gremelin.
1970More than 670,000 Garmlin was released in North America to crush imported machines.
1972The country's coal mines were nationalized.
1976The Apple Computer was originally established to sell the kit 'Do-It-' Kit.
1976Apple computer company created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
1978The President of the Philippines ordered that the Philippinement of Commerce become a puppy.
1996New Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, the world's largest bank formed by the merger of Bank of Tokyo and Mitsubishi Bank, commenced its operations.
1996Kentaki defeated Syrakuse 76-67 in the 58th NCAA men's baseball championship.
1996The Nova Scotia government ordered the people of the city's Helifax city to have sexual intercourse with more than 200 colleagues around them.
1996The city of Halifax was made a regional municipality in Nova Scotia.
1997Switzerland's Martina Hingis became the youngest number one female player in tennis history.
1997Gordi Howe began to play AHL game with Syracuse crunch at the age of 65.
1998The World Ice Paris Figure Skating Championship was held in Minnesota.
1999Miraya Moskoso was appointed the first female President of Panama.
2001The Netherlands became the first country in the world to enact gay marriage laws.
2001In St. Zuis, the 20th NCAA basketball championship was held.
2002The 64th NCAA men's basketball championship took place at Georgia Dome Atlanta.
2002After the Dutch government allowed and allowed people to marry, he decided that it was acceptable to kill someone's spouse.
2004Marek Belka became the new Prime Minister of Poland.
2004Google introduced a free web-based service that compulsorily provides users with an unprecedented 1000 megabyte storage for spam.
2005In Nepal, 285 political prisoners were released along with the captive Girija Prasad Koirala after the Emergency was imposed.
200619 people died in a plane crash in Rio de Janeiro.
2006According to the 2005 Act of the British Parliament, many British police agencies became very serious and organized together.
2006Many British policing agencies became very serious and organized together.
2009Gay marriage was recognized in Sweden.
2010Electricity knocked in Northern Ireland and about 25000 houses were devoid of electricity.
2011The September 2001 attack on the US confirmed the death of mastermind Asama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
2011Crete understood with an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude in Greece.
2012Elli Young Band and Taylor swift the song of Crazy Girl and Entertainer of the Year at the 2012 Academy of Country Music Awards.
2013Al Bashir, president of Sudin Omar, ordered the release of all political prisoners. This was done in 2015 to prepare a plan to step down.
2014Nen Earthquake hurt 58 miles of North East of Ekvik on Richar scale at about 8.2 in Cile Measurement.
528China's only cross-dressing emperor ruled for a day.

Important Historical Events of 01 April in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1897Indian spiritual master Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Mission. His real name was Narendra Nath Dutt.
1935India decided that it wanted to control all funds.
1936The state of Orissa of India was established, which was earlier known as Kalinga or Utkal.
1960The two states of India, Maharashtra and Gujarat were divided separately.

Important Days of 01 April National & International Days 🏁

April Fools' DayInternational Day
International Fools DayInternational Day
Orissa Foundation DayNational Day
Iranian Islamic Republic DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 01 April 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1963Rohini Khadilkar / Player / India
1856Acacio Gabriel Viegas / Physician / India
1878C. Ganesha Iyer / Philologist / India
1889K. B. Hedgewar / Activist / India
1907Shivakumara Swami / Religious Leader / India
1936Abdul Qadeer Khan / Chemist / India
1936Tarun Gogoi / Politician / India
1937Mohammad Hamid Ansari / Politician / India
1941Ajit Wadekar / Cricketer / India
1963Rohini Khadilkar / Player / India
1965Kavita Bhambhani / Model / India

See full list of famous people born on 01 april 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 12 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  13304
  Post Category :  History of April