The year 1872 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1872 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1872 in World ⚡

18 JulyElection in Britain brought the secret voting act. Earlier, voting was done openly.
26 SeptemberFirst temple built in New York City.
19 October215 kg), the world's largest gold piece found in New South Wales.
05 NovemberUlysses S. Grant was elected President of America for the second time.
30 NovemberThe first official international football match was played. The match between England and Scott Land took place in West of Scotland cricket.
12 DecemberBalkrishna Shivaram Munje, a freedom fighter and president of the Hindu Mahasabha, was born.
12 JanuaryIn Johannes IV Aksum was crowned Ethiopia Emperor, the first ruler of that city in 500 years.
20 FebruaryThe Metropolitan Museum of Art was inaugurated in New York City.
01 MarchYellowstone became the first national park in the world.
14 AprilThe San Francisco Bar Association was organized.
16 MayMetropolitan Gas Company lamps were lit for the first time.
14 JuneTrade unions were legalized in Canada.
04 JulyThe Society of Jesus was outlawed in the German Empire.
22 AugustThe Australian Overland Telegraph Line was completed, providing for the first time a telegraphic link between Australia and the rest of the world.
26 SeptemberThe first Shriners Temple called Mecca) established in New York City.
16 OctoberUniversity College Wales (later to become the University of Aberystwyth) began its first academic session.
16 NovemberThe London Metropolitan Police began the strike.
17 FebruaryMariano Gómez, José Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, collectivelyknown as Gomburza, were executed in Manila, Philippines, by Spanishcolonial authorities on charges of subversion arising from the 1872Cavite mutiny.
20 FebruaryNew York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art, today the largest art museum in the United States with a collection of over two million works of art, opened.
01 MarchYellowstone National Park, located primarily in the U.S. stateof Wyoming, the first national park in the world, was established.
16 MarchIn the first-ever final of the FA Cup, today the oldestassociation football competition in the world, Wanderers F.C. defeatedRoyal Engineers A.F.C. 1–0 at The Oval in Kennington, London.
10 MayVictoria Woodhul became the first woman to be nominated as the President of the United States.
18 NovemberAmerican suffix Susan B. Anthony was arrested two weeks ago for voting in the US presidential election in Rochester, New York and fined $ 100.
30 NovemberThe first international football match was held between Scotland and England in Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow.
30 NovemberThe first international football match took place between Scotland and England in Hamilton Crisant, Glasgow.
04 DecemberAmerican Brigantine Mary Celeste was clearly abandoned under circumstances that are unknown to date.
09 DecemberP. B. S. Pinchback assumed the position as the Governor of Louisiana, who was the African American Governor.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1872 in India ⚡

15 AugustBirth of Aurobindo who contribute in spirituality, Yoga education and who are involved in getting India independence from British Raj.
10 MarchMaulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, a leader of India's independence movement, was born. He started the silk movement but this movement failed.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1872 😀

10 SeptemberRanjit Singh / Ruler / India
05 SeptemberV. O. Chidambaram Pillai / Politician / India
10 SeptemberRanjitsinhji / Cricketer / India
15 AugustSri Aurobindo / Poet / India
23 AugustTanguturi Prakasam / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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