The year 1805 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1805 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1805 in World ⚡

27 MayNapoleon Bonaparte became emperor of Italy.
21 OctoberA battle called Drafalgar occurred near the Gibraltar water damru central in southwestern Spain. Britain defeated the French and Spanish fleets in this war.
14 DecemberGeorge Brancken, a British blacksmith, discovered stone coal.
26 DecemberAustria and France signed the Pressburg Confederacy.
11 JanuaryMichigan was created capital in the United States.
15 FebruaryThe Harmony Society was officially formed as a Christian community in Harmony, Pennsylvania.
04 MarchThomas Jefferson was sworn in for a second term as President of the United States.
29 AprilRucher Jane Schemelpeninck was appointed by Napoleon as Grand Pensioner of the Republic of Batavian.
26 MayNapoleon was crowned King of Italy.
04 JuneThe first Barbary War ended between Tripoli and the United States.
04 JuneHeld the first stage of the theater at the Horse Guards Parade in London.
09 JulyMuhammad Ali Pasha found his dynasty in Egypt.
26 JulyThe earthquake in Mollis and Campania, Italy killed about 5,573 people.
07 NovemberThe Lewis & Clark expedition reached the Pacific Ocean.
26 NovemberThe Pontcisille Aqueduct opened in Wales, it is 1,007 ft 307 m) long and 126 ft 38 m) long.
26 DecemberThe peace of Pressburg was signed between France and Austria.
07 AprilGerman composer Ludwig Van Beethoven premiered Thirdsimoni in Der Vienne at the theater.
02 JuneBattle of Napoleon: A Franco-Spanish fleet rebuilt Diamond Rock, a uninhabited island at the entrance of the Gulf from British to Fort-D-France. Diamond Rock's battle took place during the Napoleon wars. This was an effort under the leadership of Captain Julian Cosmo by Franco-Spanish force, which a year ago to take the Diamond Rock at the entrance of the Gulf of the British forces who occupied a year ago to the Fort-D-France of the British forces. Was taken.
02 JuneThe Napoleon Wars-e-Franco-Spanish fleet again captured a deserted island Diamanderock at the entrance of the Gulf from British to Fort-D-France.
02 JuneNapoleon's wars-a Franco-Spanish fleet again captured a deserted island Diamond Rock at the entrance of the Gulf from British to Fort-D-France.
14 OctoberThe War of the third coalition-French forces under Marshal Mitchell Ney defeated Austrian forces in Ellingen, Current Germany.
21 OctoberNapoleon's War-Lord Nelson indicated that England would 'duty' the rest of the people of their Royal Navy forces, before they Pierre-Calls Villainuway and their combined French-Spinish Navy to the coast of Spain's Cape Tufflegar in Spain But defeat the battle of Triphagar. ,
26 NovemberThe longest and longest waterway in Great Britain opened the Pontessilate Aqueduct.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1805 in India ⚡

05 OctoberLord Cornwallis, the second Governor General and Commander in Chief of the British Raj in India, died in Ghazipur.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1805 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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