According to Gregory calendar, on July 04, the day number in a year is 185 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 186. July 04 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 04 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1054Supernova SN 1054 was seen by Arabia, the Chinese song dynasty and can be the American supervisor close to Star Jeta Toruri. For several months, it remained bright enough to see during the day. Its remaining part formed the Crab Nebula.
1054Chinese astronomers recorded a sudden appearance of 'guest star', which was really supernova that created a crab nebula.
1610Outbird forces of the Polish-Masculine War-Poly-Poly-Lithuanian Commonwealth defeated Russians in the battle of Clushino.
1610Polish-Mascoveit War: The forces counted outside the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth defeated Russia's Tsardom in the battle of Clushino.
1634The city of Trice Reveres was established in New France (current Canada). Trois Rivieres, Quebec, is a city in the Administrative Region of Canada. It is located at the merger point of St. Lawrence St. and Maurice rivers, located in front of the city of Beckncore on the northern bank of the St. Lawrence River.
1776Declaration of American Independence.
1776The second continental Congress adopted the United States' declaration of independence. It was declared that thirteen American colonies in the war with Great Britain consider themselves as thirteen new independent autonomous states, participating from the British Empire. Rather, he formed a new nation called the United Nations America.
1776In Philadelphia, the Continental Congress adopted the declaration of independence, announcing that thirteen American Empire was no longer part of the British Empire.
1776Representatives of 13 states of America signed the Declaration of Independence of this country in the city of Philadelphia. That is why this day is known as the independence of America.
1782William Patty became Prime Minister of Great Britain after the death of Charles Watson-Wentworth.
1817Chief engineer James Gadeus began construction on the Erie Canal, Rome, New York), one of the first major engineering works in North America.
1819William Herschel observed the last telescope of the 1819 comet.
1827The state of New York ended slavery. Slavery was a legal or economic system under which people were considered private property. Slaves can be purchased and sold. Slaves can be held from their possession, purchase or birth time. The slaves were denied rights, such as refusing to work or demanding compensation.
1829The first bus service in London was started by George Shilbier.
1848A French poet named François Shatobreyan died. Those who have done commendable service of French literature.
1855Walt Whitman's poetry collection Leaves of Grass was published in Brooklyn.
1855The first version of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass was published, and became one of the most important collection of American poetry.
1862In a sailing boat on the River of the Temes from Oxford to Godsto, author Lewis Carroll narrated a story to Alice Lidel and his sisters that would eventually form the basis for his book Alice Adventures Invnderland.
1865The famous English novel Alice in Wonderland was published.
1872The Society of Jesus was outlawed in the German Empire.
1879Anglo-Zulu War; This war effectively ended with the British victory in the Battle of Ulundi.
1882Telegraph Hill Observatory opened in San Francisco.
1883The world's first rodeo pecs were held in Texas.
1886Canada's first intercontinental train reached Port Moody, British Columbia.
1887The founder of Pakistan, Crud-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Sindh-Marasa-Tul-Islam in Karachi. Sindh Madrestul Islam University is a university in Karachi in Sindh province of Pakistan. It is a public university located in the commercial center of Karachi's activity.
1900Williams nominates Bryan as Democratic Party presidential candidate in USA.
1901William Howard Taft became Governor-General of the Philippines.
1903Dorothy Levit became the first English woman to participate in a 'Motor Race'. Dorothy Elizabeth Levit was the first British woman to become a racing driver. He had the world's first water speed record and women's world land speed record. She was also a writer. She was a leader of female freedom and women motorings. He taught Queen Alexandra and Royal Princess to drive.
1914The war of Bardun ended.
1918Ottoman Sultan Headed VI managed to sit on the throne. Around VI was the 36th and last Sultan of the VI Ottoman Empire. His reign began between 1918 and 1922. He was the brother of Headed V. He was sitting on the throne as Usman's greatest male member after the suicide of Abdulaziz's son Yusuf Izatai Effandy in 1916, who was the successor of the throne.
1928Eleftherios Venizelos was elected as the Prime Minister of Greece for the fifth time.
1941After capturing the German AB-Axation Operation, LWów in Poland, the Nazis killed about 45 professors at Lwów University.
1943The plane that took the Prime Minister Vladislav Sikorski of the exile of the Polish government crashed, killing him and fifteen others, leading to the principles of many conspiracy.
1945Brazilian cruiser Bahia accidentally drowned by a crew of its own party, in which more than 300 people were killed and stuck in the remaining incented-infected water.
1946Ankara University was established in Turkey.
1946Islands Philippine gained independence from America.
1950Radio Free Europe, the anti -Communist propaganda of the United States, broadcast its first broadcast in Czechoslovakia.
1951William Shockle announced the invention of the junction transistor, for which he, John Bardin, and Walter Houster Bretton won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956.
1965The first annual reminder, one of the early LGBT performances in the United States, took place at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a series of early pickets organized by Homofile Organizations.
1976Israeli defense forces raided the Anthebe International Airport in Uganda to free those held hostage by the kidnappers on Air France Flight 139.
1996Russian President Boris Yeltsin was re-elected President for four years.
1997NASA's Path Finder Space Probe landed on the surface of Mars. The Mars Path Finder was an American spacecraft landed in 1997 at the base station with a mobile check on Mars. It consisted of a lander named Karl Sagan Memorial Station and a light -wheeled robotic Mars Rover named Sojorner.
1997The American vehicle 'Sozner' reached Mars.
1998Japan began an investigation on Mars and joined the United States and Russia as a space discovery nation. Nozomi was planned as an atmospheric examination of a Mars. But it failed to achieve the orbit of Mars due to electrical failures. Operation ended on 31 December 2003
1998A British powerboat 'The Only and Wireless Adventure' broke the record for the fastest world tour by completing the journey in 74 days, 20 hours and 38 minutes.
200344 killed in an attack on a Shia mosque in Pakistan.
2005NASA Space Investigation Deep Impact affected the nucleus of comet Temple 1, digging the debris from its inner part to study its condition.
2005In Australia, a new species of dolphin snubfins was discovered.
2012The discovery of particle particle with Higgs Boson in the Large Hadron Collider was declared in the serry. Higgs Boson particle, particle is a basic particle in the standard model of physics. The observation of the particle allows scientists to excavate in the Higgs region, the particle gives immense importance to physics theory.
2012Cern announced the discovery of Higgs Boson primary particle after 40 years of discovery of its existence.
414Alia Palcharia declared herself a Regent on her brother Odocious II and made himself the Queen of Agusta and Eastern Roman Empire.

Important Historical Events of 04 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1789The East India Company entered into a treaty with the Peshwa and the Nizam against Tipu Sultan.
1828Lord William Bentinck Calcutta now Kolkata) came to India in place of King George IV of the United Kingdom to begin his administration as the new Governor-General.
1947The Indian independence bill was proposed before the British Parliament. Under which the country was divided into India and Pakistan.

Important Days of 04 July National & International Days 🏁

American Independence DayInternational Day
Swami Vivekananda Memorial DayNational Day
Philippines Republic DayNational Day
United States Independence Day or Fourth of JulyNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 04 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1897Alluri Sitarama Raju / Freedom Fighter / India
1897Alluri Sitaram Raju / Freedom Fighter / India
1897Alluri Sitarama Raju / Activist / India
1898Gulzarilal Nanda / Politician / India
1956Laxmikant Parsekar / Politician / India
1976Aryan Vaidya / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 04 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

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