World Silent Deaf Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Silent Deaf Day ()
Event Started1958
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byWorld Federation of the Deaf (WFD)

World Silent Deaf Day Brief

World Day of the Deaf is celebrated every year on 26 September, but currently, it is known as World Deaf Week. It is celebrated in the last week of September. The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) started 'World Day of the Deaf' from the year 1958. On this day, along with creating awareness among the people about the social, economic, and political rights of the deaf, as well as their usefulness in society and the country.

World Silent Deaf Day Objective

The purpose of Deaf Day, which is now being celebrated as a week, is to inculcate feelings of a healthy life, self-respect, dignity, etc. in the deaf. One of its objectives is also to draw the attention of the general public and the concerned authority towards the deaf's ability, achievement, etc.

In this, the work done by the deaf is appreciated and displayed. Many organizations like schools, colleges, other organizations do the work of raising awareness about deafness among people for this. Many events are organized which are related to deaf problems etc.

More info about World Silent Deaf Day

What are the communication barriers?

Although sign language has existed for thousands of years, it is still a challenge to establish communication with ordinary people in this language. Both the study and teaching of this language is necessary so that communication can be established in the culture, problems etc. of the deaf.

International Deaf Week:

  • First of all we should note that this day is not celebrated to console the deaf but to bring a change in their life.
  • Being deaf is not a disability or a weakness. People with hearing impairment are more intelligent than those with right ability, the only difference is that their medium of communication is different.
  • For these, we can organize any kind of new events in our areas also. Any type of information that is related to them can be told through social media, many attractive posters can be made or many other things can also be done.
  • To promote the knowledge of the deaf, many workshops or meetings can be organized in which the language used by them can be told to the general public as well.
  • The deaf can be made aware of technology so that their life can be easier and easier than before.

Important Days of September Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
02 SeptemberWorld Coconut Day - International Day
05 SeptemberTeachers Day: India - National Day
08 SeptemberInternational Literacy Day - International Day
11 SeptemberWorld First Aid Day - International Day
14 SeptemberHindi Day: India - National Day
14 SeptemberWorld Brotherhood and Apology Day - International Day
15 SeptemberEngineer Day - National Day
16 SeptemberWorld Ozone Day - International Day
17 SeptemberLord Vishwakarma Jayanti - National Day
21 SeptemberWorld Peace Day - International Day
21 SeptemberWorld Alzheimers Day - International Day
26 SeptemberWorld Silent Deaf Day - International Day
27 SeptemberWorld Tourism Day - International Day
29 SeptemberWorld Heart Day - International Day

World Silent Deaf Day FAQs:

World Silent Deaf Day is observed every year on 26 September.

Yes, World Silent Deaf Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on September all over the World.

World Silent Deaf Day started on 1958.

World Silent Deaf Day is observed every year by World Federation of the Deaf (WFD).

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  12906
  Post Category :  Important Days of September