World Heart Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Heart Day ()
Event Started29 September 2000
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byWorld Health Organization and World Heart Federation

World Heart Day Brief

Every year on 29 September, 'World Heart Day' or 'World Heart Day' is celebrated in different countries of the world. According to the World Health Organization, 2.5 million people die every year from heart disease and by 2030 these figures are expected to increase to 23 million. About 26% of the total deaths in India are due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) i.e. heart diseases.

World Heart Day History

In the year 2000, the United Nations decided to celebrate 29 September every year as 'World Heart Day' with the aim of making the people of the world aware of heart disease. Till now 'World Heart Day' was celebrated on the last Sunday of September, the voluntary organization 'World Heart Federation' with the participation of 'World Health Organization' (WHO) celebrates 'World Heart Day' every year.

World Heart Day Objective

The purpose of World Heart Day is to make people all over the world aware of heart related diseases, their consequences and their prevention. The death rate from heart disease is the highest in the world.

World Heart Day Theme(s)

  • Theme of World Heart Day 2022: - "Cardiovascular Health for Everyone"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2021: - "Use heart to connect"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2020: - "Use heart to beat cardiovascular disease"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2019: - "My Heart, Your Heart"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2018: - "Your heart, My Heart"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2017: - "Share the Power"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2016: - "The power of your life"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2015: - "Healthy heart choices for everyone, everywhere"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2014: - "Heart Choices Not Hard Choices"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2011: - "One World, One Home or One Heart"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2010: - "Heart Health in the Office"
  • Theme of World Heart Day 2009: - "Heart Health in the Office"

Important Days of September Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
02 SeptemberWorld Coconut Day - International Day
05 SeptemberTeachers Day: India - National Day
08 SeptemberInternational Literacy Day - International Day
11 SeptemberWorld First Aid Day - International Day
14 SeptemberHindi Day: India - National Day
14 SeptemberWorld Brotherhood and Apology Day - International Day
15 SeptemberEngineer Day - National Day
16 SeptemberWorld Ozone Day - International Day
17 SeptemberLord Vishwakarma Jayanti - National Day
21 SeptemberWorld Peace Day - International Day
21 SeptemberWorld Alzheimers Day - International Day
26 SeptemberWorld Silent Deaf Day - International Day
27 SeptemberWorld Tourism Day - International Day
29 SeptemberWorld Heart Day - International Day

World Heart Day FAQs:

World Heart Day is observed every year on 29 September.

Yes, World Heart Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on September all over the World.

World Heart Day started on 29 September 2000.

World Heart Day is observed every year by World Health Organization and World Heart Federation.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  6107
  Post Category :  Important Days of September