According to Gregory calendar, on September 29, the day number in a year is 272 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 273. September 29 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 29 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1650The first marriage bureau started in England.
1774The publication of The Soros of Young Warther brought 24 -year -old Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe to international fame.
1808A dispute between Swedish and Russian troops was announced in Finland; It ended on 19 October.
1829The Metropolitan Police of Greater London, originally established in the Great Scotland Yard, Westminster.
1836Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established.
1885The world's first passenger electric tram started in England.
1911Italy declared war against the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).
1913Signed the Treaty of Constantinople in Istanbul between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.
1913Rudolf Diesel, who revolutionized industries and transport by giving diesel engines to the world, died mysteriously.
1918During World War I, Bulgaria laid down arms before the combined forces of France and Britain. In the First World War, this country was a component of Germany Austria Hungry and Osmani rule.
1923The British mandate to Palestine was effectively implemented, officially built under the British administration (to involve a Jewish motherland) and Transjordon as a separate enemy under Abdullah I.
1927Telephone service started between the US and Mexico.
1940Number 2 Service Flying Training School RAAF's two Everro Anson Brocklesby, New South Wales, collided in the air between Australia, stayed together after colliding, and safely landed.
1941Holocost-German Nazis killed more than 30,000 Jewish citizens in two days, suffering from the Babin Yar massacre in Kiev, Ukraine by their colleagues and thousands of more in the months after that.
1954Twelve countries signed a conference to establish the European Organization (CERN) for nuclear research, which manages the world's largest particle physics laboratory.
1957In an explosion at the Soviet nuclear rebellion plant, 74 to 1850 pibes of radioactive material were issued.
1962Alouette 1, Canada's first satellite, and the first satellite built by any other country besides the Soviet Union or the United States was launched.
1963The University of Eastern Anglia was established in Norwich, England, the establishment of such a university in the city was talked about in the early 19th century.
1963The University of East Anglia was established in the city of Norwich, England.
1970Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasir died.
1971About 10 thousand people died due to cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal.
1977The Soviet Union placed the space station Salyut 6 into the Earth's orbit.
1978Pope John Paul I died in mysterious circumstances. He was elected pope only 33 days ago.
1986Cape lifts a spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canverals in an attempt to launch satellite. This is the first manned space mission after the spacecraft challenger disaster two and a half years ago.
1992The first independent elections were held in Angola, a country in the southern part of the African continent.
2005John Roberts became the 17th Chief Justice of Unitedstates.
2006The Hirise camera takes its first low-sap of the Mars reconnaissance orbiter. It has managed to get high-resolution of Mars.
2006Gol Transports Aresose Flight 1907 Paizoto de Azedo, Mato Groso, an ambrear collided with Ligi Business Jet near Brazil, collided in mid-hwa, killing 154 people, and Brazilian Aviation crisis.
2006World's first female space tourist Anusheh Ansari, a US citizen of Iranian origin, returned to Earth safely.
2007Iran declared the US Army and the CIA as 'terrorist organization', fighting the US claims about its own armed forces.
2008The Brazilian government has been nominated as the worst illegal woodcutter of Amazon Varsha forest.
2009The earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 attacked the Sumo Islands, leading to a tsunami. Tsunami later killed at least 20 in the nation of Samoa and one in American Samoa and 14.
2010Germany pays finally to the revaluation of its First World War.
2011The People's Republic of China successfully launched the Tiangong 1 Space Laboratory. It is the first space station module in the country, from the Jyukwan Satellite Launch Center located in Gansu province.
2012The United States accused the United States of 'double standards', the Mujahideen-e-Khaliq's salvation as a terrorist organization.
2014EBay Ink announced that it would divide its paypal unit into a separate company. This increases the possibility of purchasing a paple by mobile payment operators such as Google.

Important Historical Events of 29 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1932India's famous comedian and producer-director Mahmood was born.
1959India's Aarti Shah swam to become the first Asian woman to cross the English Channel.
2013Rajkot, Gujarat, India experience heavy rainfall, causing a loss of more than Rs 100 crore.

Important Days of 29 September National & International Days 🏁

World Heart DayInternational Day
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and WasteInternational Day
World Maritime DayInternational Day
International Day Of Awareness On Food Loss And Waste ReductionInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 29 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1928Brajesh Mishra / Politician / India
1932Mahmoud / Actor / India
1947S. H. Kapadia / Lawyer / India
1984Isha Sharwani / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 29 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 13 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12774
  Post Category :  History of September