According to Gregory calendar, on September 02, the day number in a year is 245 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 246. September 02 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 02 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1573Akbar, the third ruler of the Mughal dynasty, won the decisive battle near Ahmedabad and captured Gujarat.
1649Pope Innocent X loyal forces destroyed the ancient Italvita of Castro, ending the wars of Castro.
1666A large fire broke out on the Puding Lane in London and burnt the city within three days, destroying St. Paul Cathedral and 70,000 houses of 80,000 residents of the city.
1732Pope Clement XII renewed anti-Jewish laws of Rome.
1752Celebrated the last Julian calendar day in Britain and the British colonies.
1789Established the United States Treasury Department.
1789The United States established its own revenue department.
1792The French revolution-a huge fear that foreigners would attack Paris and revolt prisoners, thousands of people were briefly executed.
1806An entire city of Switzerland was destroyed by landslides.
1807The British Royal Navy began his bombing of Copenhagen to capture the Dan-Norwegian Navy.
1807The British Royal Navy began its bombing of Copenhagen to the Dan-Norwegian Navy.
1820The Doogang emperor succeeded in seizing the throne of the Qing dynasty in China.
1833Oberlin College was founded in Oberlin, Ohio.
1843The Economist newspaper was first published in London.
1859Gas lighting introduced for Hawaii.
1864American citizen's war-union forces entered Atlanta, Georgia, a day later when the Confederate Guard fled the city, closed the Atlanta campaign.
1885Rock springs, USA, attacked Chinese migrants by white miners in Vayaming, with at least 28 Chinese miners killed and property damage caused a loss of about 150,000 US $ 150,000.
1885White Minors attacked Chinese marines in Rockming, USA, Vyoming, with at least 28 Chinese miners killed and property damage caused a loss of about $ 150,000.
1897Macaul "magazine was first published.
1898For the first time machine guns were used in battle.
1901US Vice President Theodore Roosevelt first spoke to the famous Mrs. Minti Minnesota State Fair, spoke gently and carrying a large stick '(cartoon picture), describing his philosophy of conversation threatening to use military power. Did.
1925Ministers of Canada and the United States have held a meeting to prevent illegal imports of liquor across the US-Canadian border through cooperation.
1937A thunderstorm has hit Hong Kong with disastrous consequences with 500 deadly deaths and the city is submerged. Body count is expected to increase as floods indicate fire.
1945Communist revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam independent.
1945The Second World War ended after Japan accepted defeat. World War II lasted for six years.
1945Japan formally prepared the Capital, World War II closure for the forces of the friendly countries.
1945On the deck of the United States Navy warship Missouri at Tokyo Bay, representatives of the Empire of Japan and many friendly nations signed the Japanese means of dedication that formally eliminate World War II.
1945On the deck of the United States Navy warship Missouri's Tocoo Bay, the Japanese's empire and the representatives of several allidpower formally signed the Japanese means of dedication at the end of World War II.
1956125 people died due to the collapse of a bridge between Jadcherala and Mehboob Nagar, 100 km from Hyderabad.
1957President of South Vietnam Ngô NGNH Di? Became the first state head to visit Australia.
1967Paddy Roy Bates, as an independent sovereign state-of-state princely state, announced the Mashel C Fort of the East World War in the North Sea from the Safolk, England, HM Fort Roughs.
1969The Automatic Teller Machine ATM) was a money withdrawal machine, first introduced to the world in New York City, USA.
1990The Soviet passenger ship sank in the Black Sea, killing 79 passengers, missing hundreds.
1990Transnistria unilaterally declared its freedom from the SSR of the Soviet Union, but it is only a partial recognized state.
1990Transnistria unilaterally declared its freedom from the SSR Whats of the Soviet Union, but it is only an exceptionally recognized state.
1991The United States formally recognized the independence of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
1992An earthquake in Nicaragua killed at least 116 people.
1992The approximate earthquake of a 7.2 intensity on the coast of Nicaragua was the first tsunami earthquake to occupy the tsunami broadband earthquake network.
1998The route from Swiss City Flight 111, New York City to Geneva crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 229 people.
2005Hurricane Katrina hit the United States causing great devastation.
2007The 11th World Championship of the game was concluded in Osaka, Japan.
2007In a conversation with North Korea, US representative Christopher R Hill said that the autocratic nations have agreed to declare all its nuclear plants by the end of the year.
2008Peliantologists in France discover a well -protected skull of a stapy mammath. They believe that rare discovery can disclose more about the development of that species.
2009Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and National Congress Party leader Dr. Yeduguri Suspicious Rajasekhara Reddy died in an air crash.
2009A bomb exploded outside the stock exchange of Athens, causing damage to the building. No casualties were reported.
2010The ICC made Pakistan captain Salman Butt of corruption with Pakur Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amer and expelled them from international cricket on provisional basis, the hearing is pending.
2011The Daseldorf court ordered that Samsung prohibits the sale of its new tablet Galaxy tab, which is a lawsuit brought by Apple.
2012There is a ban on a decade -run female newspaper on the state TV in Egypt.
2013Swimmer Diana Nyset set a record by becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without using a shark cage.
47Caesarean, possibly the son of Julius Caesar, became the last king of the Egyptian tolemic dynasty, who jointly ruled with his mother Cleopatra.
47Caesarean (Bust Picture), possibly the son of Julius Caesar, became the last king of the Egyptian tolemic dynasty, who jointly ruled with his mother Cleopatra.
47Caesarean, possibly the son of Julius Caesar, became the last king of the Egyptian tolemic dynasty, who jointly ruled with his motherland.

Important Historical Events of 02 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1946Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, was sworn in as Prime Minister of the Interim Government of undivided India.
1946The interim government of India, under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, was formed from British rule to help India's dependence on transition.

Important Days of 02 September National & International Days 🏁

World Coconut DayInternational Day
Vietnam Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 02 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1985Surekha Yadav / Train driver / India
1838Bhaktivinoda Thakur / Philosopher / India
1922Daroga Prasad Rai / Politician / India
1941Sadhana Shivdasani / Actress / India
1941Sadhna Shivdasani / Actress / India
1965Partho Sen-Gupta / Writer / India
1965Surekha Yadav / Driver / India
1965Surekha Yadav / Train Driver / India
1969Alka Kaushal / Actress / India
1988Ishant Sharma / Cricketer / India
1988Ishmeet Singh / Singer / India

See full list of famous people born on 02 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 11 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  14812
  Post Category :  History of September