Find Hindi meaning of Charlatan. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Charlatan" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Charlatan" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.
Hindi Meaning of Charlatanकपटी, चालक, नीम-हाकिम, कौशल, सुगमता, सरलता, सुविधा, तेज़ी, होशियारी
Synonyms of CharlatanFake, Fraud, Humbug
Antonyms of CharlatanOriginal, Reality, Genuine

Use of "Charlatan" word in sentences, examples

  • “Perhaps it is imprudent to nominate a venomous charlatan.” 
  • Atleast a grudging respect for charlatans who fool the public and especially the experts. 
  • It's entirely possible that Travis Bernhardt is a charlatan. 
  • Pep's side haven't won in five games and therefore he is being written off as a fraud and a charlatan.
  • It exposed the MSNBC host as a charlatan, someone who's up for any cause, so long as the tax-dodger can make a buck from it.

Similar words of "Charlatan"

Fraudकपट, चल, ढोंगी, दगा, धोखा, धोकेबाज, नकली, जालसाज
Humbugछल-कपट, धोखा, धोकेबाज, पाखण्ड, बकवास, गड़बड़ करने वाला
Hypocriteकपटी, ढोंगी, पाखण्डी, दोगला, खोता, झूठा, धूर्त, मक्कार
Quackशेखी, ढींग, दम्भी, बोली

Charlatan FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Charlatan is, कपटी, चालक, नीम-हाकिम, कौशल, सुगमता, सरलता, सुविधा, तेज़ी, होशियारी.

Similar words for Charlatan are Fake, Fraud, Humbug.

The Definition of Charlatan is a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill..

Original, Reality, Genuine, are antonyms of the Charlatan word.

Charlatan is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2966
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning