Find Hindi meaning of Destitute. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Destitute" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Destitute" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionextremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.
Hindi Meaning of Destituteनिर्धन, दरिद्र, रहित, विहीन, अकिंचन, अभावग्रस्त, निस्सहाय
Synonyms of DestituteBarren, Devoid, Lacking
Antonyms of DestituteProsperous, Wealthy, Secure

Use of "Destitute" word in sentences, examples

  • This is the fate of the 1.7 million destitute people in India (these are official figures, NGOs say the numbers are much more). 
  • Mr Gehlot said the Bill aims to provide protection, care, support, shelter, training and other services to all persons in destitution.
  • Hundreds of King County's 'homeless and destitute' laid to rest.
  • If you think NAFTA was bad and wages are bad now, wait until all these destituteimmigrants come in and take more of our jobs and welfare.
  • It will help fund the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre's (CRMC) project to support those made destitute through the migration process.

Similar words of "Destitute"

Affluentसमृद्ध, प्रभावशाली, अमीर, दौलतमन्द, धनवान, धनाढ्य, परिपूर्ण, प्रचुर, प्रवाही, विपुल
Devoidरहित, विहीन, शून्य, खली, रिक्त, अभावग्रस्त, निर्धन, निस्सहाय, कंगाल, निराश्रय
Impecuniousनिर्धन, गरीब, दर्द, कंगाल, दिन, कृपाण, जरूरतमंद, मोहताज, अभावग्रस्त
Indigentगरीब, दरिद्र, दिन, निधन, कंगाल, निस्सहाय, अकिंचन, बेचारा
Luxuriousविलासपूर्ण, आनन्ददायक, भव्य, शानदार
Opulentकीमती, समर्द्ध, भव्य, शानदार
Pauperदिन, भिखारी, दरिद्र, मुफ़लिस, रंक, संगता, अकिंचन, कंकाल, निर्धन मनुष्य

Destitute FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Destitute is, निर्धन, दरिद्र, रहित, विहीन, अकिंचन, अभावग्रस्त, निस्सहाय.

Similar words for Destitute are Barren, Devoid, Lacking.

The Definition of Destitute is extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself..

Prosperous, Wealthy, Secure, are antonyms of the Destitute word.

Destitute is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4098
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning