Find Hindi meaning of Liberal. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Liberal" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Liberal" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona person of liberal views.
Hindi Meaning of Liberalउदार, प्रगतिशील, सहिष्णु, आधुनिक, दानी
Synonyms of LiberalProgressive, Tolerant, Broadminded
Antonyms of LiberalConservative, Narrow Minded, Orthodox

Use of "Liberal" word in sentences, examples

  • The Liberals' lead over the Conservatives among women was up to 11 percentage points wider than it was among men.
  • More people in Oregon identify as liberal than conservative.
  • A website set up by the SA Liberals is among material deemed "misleading" by the state's Electoral Commission
  • Survey data show that until recently, even in reliably blue-voting states, more people identified as conservative than libera
  • A liberal-created failure that goes entirely ignored is the left's harmful agenda for society's most vulnerable people.

Similar words of "Liberal"

Bigotedहठी, कटटर, धर्मांध, पक्षपाती, हठधर्मी, जिद्दी
Broadmindedआजादख्याल, उदारपंथी, स्वतंत्र विचारक, मौलिक विचारक, विस्तृत सोच वाला
Edaciousपेटू, भुक्खड़, लालची, लोलुप, खौ, अतिभोजिता, स्वार्थी, अतिभक्षक
Generousउदार, उपजाऊ, तीक्ष्ण, दयालु, दाता, दानशील, प्रचुर, बहुत, महात्मा, पर्याप्त
Parsimoniousअल्पव्ययी,कंजूस, किफायती, कृपण, मितव्ययी, मक्खीचूस
Provincialप्रान्त, निवास, गंवार, देशी, प्रांतीय, संकीर्ण, स्थानीय, सूबे का
Rusticग्रामीण, सादा, साधारण, अपरिष्कृत, गंवार, देहाती, असभ्य,, अव्यवहारिक
Tolerantउदार, सहिष्णु, सहनशील, क्षमादान, सीधा, दयालु, कृपालु, विन्रम, मेहरबान

Liberal FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Liberal is, उदार, प्रगतिशील, सहिष्णु, आधुनिक, दानी.

Similar words for Liberal are Progressive, Tolerant, Broadminded.

The Definition of Liberal is a person of liberal views..

Conservative, Narrow Minded, Orthodox, are antonyms of the Liberal word.

Liberal is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5335
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning