Find Hindi meaning of Tender. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Tender" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Tender" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionshowing gentleness, kindness, and affection.
Hindi Meaning of Tenderसुकुमार, दयालु, सेवक, नर्म, निविदा, जटिल, कमजोर, नरम, प्राथना, निवेदन करना
Synonyms of TenderGentle, Mild, Soft
Antonyms of TenderHard, Rough, Tough

Use of "Tender" word in sentences, examples

  • Fresh tender of Metro Phase-2 line may be delayed
  • ONGC floats first tender for boosting mature fields' output under PEC contracts New Delhi
  • Italy's biggest utility Enel said on Friday it had won its first green energy tender in India and planned to expand further in the country.
  • Croatia's public procurement body has rejected complaints by all three international consortia over a winning low tender for the Peljeski bridge.
  • We floated the tenders two times. We were not satisfied with the technical presentation

Similar words of "Tender"

Ferociousउग्र, कठोर, जंगली, डरावना, भयानक, अति क्रूर, बनैल, क्रोधी, उत्तेजित, आग-बबूला
Fierceभरी, भीषण, अति क्रूर, आग बबूला, उत्तेजित, क्रूर, क्रोधी, जंगली, तीव्र, प्रखर, भयानक
Gentleसभ्य, सीधा, सुकुमार, सुशील, सौम्य, दयालु, कुलीन, विन्रम, भद्र, शांत, सरल, अच्छा
Pugnaciousझगड़ालू, लड़ाकू, अभद्र, बेअदब, अशिष्ट, बेढंगा, असभ्य

Tender FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Tender is, सुकुमार, दयालु, सेवक, नर्म, निविदा, जटिल, कमजोर, नरम, प्राथना, निवेदन करना.

Similar words for Tender are Gentle, Mild, Soft.

The Definition of Tender is showing gentleness, kindness, and affection..

Hard, Rough, Tough, are antonyms of the Tender word.

Tender is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5172
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning