The year 1758 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1758 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1758 in World ⚡

24 JulyThe then US President George Washington attended the first Assembly of North America in the Virginia House of Burgesses.
17 AprilFrancis Williams the first US Black College graduate) published his poems.
30 JuneThe Domstatal War of the Seven Years War began.
08 JulyThe British forces were subjected to British and colonial attacks at Fort Ticonderoga, New York.
14 AugustBattle of Zorndorf: Prussia defeated Russia in which thousands died.
12 SeptemberThe French astronomer Charles Messier began his Messier catalog by misidentifying the Crab Nebula.
14 OctoberThe Austrian army defeated Prussia at Saxon, Battle of Hachkirk.
25 NovemberBritain captured Fort Duquenne from Frank (later Fort Pitt / Pittsburgh).
31 DecemberThe British Expeditionary Army occupied Gore Dakar) Senegal.
23 JuneSeven years war: Battle of Crafeld: The British Army defeated French soldiers at Krefeld in Germany. Komte de Saint German, who took charge of the French Left party, was not able to protect enough to stop a complete route, and the French army retired from the region in a relatively good order.
11 SeptemberThe seven-year war-saint-cast battle took place near St.-Cast, in which France assigned a decisive defeat to Britain.
13 DecemberWhile taking Acadeon from the island of Prince Edward to France, Duke William lost more than 360 people in North Atlantic, one of the largest marine disasters in the history of Canada.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1758 in India ⚡

09 DecemberThe thirteen-month-long war of Madras began in India. This was the most dangerous war between Britain and France in India.
14 JanuaryThe King of England gave the East India Company the right to retain the property won in battle in India.
21 MayMary Campbell was kidnapped by Lenape from her home in Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War.
08 JulyThe French and Indian war-French forces defeated the British ATFrt Karilan on the banks of the Lake Colplain of the British Colona.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1758 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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