According to Gregory calendar, January 14 is the day number 14 in a given year. January 14 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 14 January in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1301The Árpád dynasty, which had ruled Hungary since the late 9th century, ended with the death of King Andrew III.
1551Abul Fazl, one of Akbar's Navratnas, was born in the Mughal period.
1659Portugal defeated Spain in the Battle of Elvas.
1703The earthquake shook Italy Norquie.
1717German deposition leader "Sajko " was sentenced to death in Amsterdam.
1724King Philip V of Spain abdicated the throne for his 16-year-old son Louis I.
1724Philip V, the first Bourbon ruler of Spain, abdicated in favour of his eldest son Louis.
1741The third war of Panipat started between the Marathas and the Afghans.
1742Edmund Healy, England's best known astronomer, who introduced the world to Haley Comet, died.
1760French General Lely handed Puducherry to the British.
1766Christian VII became king of Denmark.
1784After the victory in the American independence struggle, the government entered into a peace treaty with Britain.
1795The University of North Carolina, opened to students at Chapel Hill, is the first state university in the United States.
1814Sweden and Denmark–Norway signed the Treaty of Kiel, whereby Frederick VI of Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden in return for the Swedish holdings in Pomerania.
1898Joey Darling hit his first six of the Test match.
1900Giacomo Puccini's opera Tosca, based on the play La Tosca by French dramatist Victorien Sardou, premiered at the Teatro Costanza in Rome.
1907A 6.5 Mw earthquake struck Kingston, Jamaica, resulting in at least 800 deaths, which was at the time considered one of the world's deadliest earthquakes recorded in history.
1907More than 1000 people died in the devastating earthquake in Kingston, the capital of the Caribbean country of Jamaica.
1912Raymond Poincaré became the Prime Minister of France.
1943Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Charles de Gaulle, and Henri Giraud ) met in Casablanca to plan the Allied European strategy for the next phase of World War II.
1953Josip Broz Tito was inaugurated as the first President of Yugoslavia.
1954Nash-Kelvinator and Hudson Motor Car Company merged to become American Motors in an effort to create one multi brand company capable of challenging the 'Big Three' as an equal.
1957Kripalu Maharaj became the fifth Jagadguru, the supreme spiritual leader of Hinduism.
1960The Reserve Bank of Australia, the country's central bank and bank note-issuing authority, was established.
1967The counterculture Human Be-In was held in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, launching the Summer of Love.
1973Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii was broadcast live via satellite, and set a record as the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer in television history.
1974The World Football League was established.
1975British teenage heiress Lesley Whittle was kidnapped by Donald Neilson and subsequently murdered during a failed ransom collection attempt.
1978Austrian logician Kurt Gödel, who suffered from an obsessive fear of being poisoned, died of starvation after his wife was hospitalized and unable to cook for him.
1989In Bradford England, 1000 Muslims burn Salman Rushdie's novel Satanic Verses.
1990Famous golf player, Perez de Cuellar says that he has lost all hope for peace in Gulf.
1991Jorge Serrano Elias sworn in as President of Guatemala.
1991USSR decides to launch its new Premier named Valentine Pavlov.
1994TM-17, a Russian manned spacecraft landed on the moon.
1994For the first time in 300 years, a member of Britain's royal family adopted Catholicism. The Duchess of Kent became a member of the Catholic Church in a private service.
1996After 97 performances of “Swinging On a Star” closes at Music Box Theater New York City.
2002The British government announced that the foot and mouth disease that had been spreading in the country for nearly 11 months would be considered to end at midnight.
2007The Interim Constitution was approved in Nepal.
2009The government announced 100 percent foreign investment from facsimile copy of foreign letters.
2011The Taliban drop their ban on education for females in Afghanistan due to a cultural change.
2011After mass protests and revolution, Tunisia's President Zayn al-Abidin bin Ali fled the country to Saudi Arabia.
2012A suicide attack in Basra, Iraq, killed 53 and injured 130 people.
2012Due to a transformer malfunction in Bursa, Turkey millions were left without power supply.
2013The former US president George Bush was released from the Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas after more than 7 weeks of bronchitis treatment.
2013The UK's oldest company, HMV opens its first shop on Oxford Street in 1921. It is the oldest music retailer with 4,500 more employees.

Important Historical Events of 14 January in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1758The King of England gave the East India Company the right to retain the property won in battle in India.
1761The Afghans led by Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the French-supplied and trained Maratha troops at the Third Battle of Panipat in Panipat, present-day Haryana, India.
1969Madras, the southern state of India, was renamed Tamil Nadu.
1977Narayan Karthikeyan was the first Indian to fill the Formula One race.

Important Days of 14 January National & International Days 🏁

Armed Forces Veterans DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 14 January 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1896C. D. Deshmukh / Economist / India
1896Sir Chintaman Dwarakanath Deshmukh / Civil Servant / India
1905Durga Khote / Actress / India
1921Bindeshwari Dubey / Politician / India
1937Rao Gopal Rao / Actor / India
1942Yogesh Kumar Sabharwal / Lawyer / India
1950Rambhadracharya / Scholar / India
1951O. Panneerselvam / Politician / India
1977Narain Karthikeyan / Racing Car Driver / India

See full list of famous people born on 14 january 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 3 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  10034
  Post Category :  History of January