According to Gregory calendar, on October 21, the day number in a year is 294 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 295. October 21 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 21 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1096Cilies Arsalan's Seljuk forces destroyed the army of People's Cruise when it marched towards Nika.
1296Alauddin Khilji assumed the throne of Delhi.
1520The islands of St. Pierre and Mikelon (St.-Pierre's modern city painted) were discovered by Portuguese explorers Joao Alvaras Fagundes near Canada, who named them '11, 00 Virjin's island '.
1600Tokugawa Iyasu defeated the leaders of the rival Japanese groups in the Battle of Sikkigara, who is now Cechighara, Gifu, cleared the way for them to make Tokugawa Shogunate.
1727Russian and Chinese agreements were made to correct the borders.
1805Napoleon's War-Lord Nelson indicated that England would 'duty' the rest of the people of their Royal Navy forces, before they Pierre-Calls Villainuway and their combined French-Spinish Navy to the coast of Spain's Cape Tufflegar in Spain But defeat the battle of Triphagar. ,
1805A battle called Drafalgar occurred near the Gibraltar water damru central in southwestern Spain. Britain defeated the French and Spanish fleets in this war.
1816Penang Island Free Penco established Penang Island in modern Malaysia) by Rev. Sparke Hutchings.
1833Alfred Noble, a Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite, was born.
1845The New York Herald became the first newspaper to mention a game of baseball.
1854Florence Knightingale and an employee of 38 nurses were sent to Turkey to treat the injured British soldiers fighting in the Criman War.
1858The music composer Jacques of Jacques of Jacques Offenbach was performed at Thapre Des Boofs Parisianns in Paparis, the first features of the music associated with Orfius in the Youander, Can-Can-Can-Kan.
1867In the Medicine Lodge treaties, for the first time signed between the states and many original American tribes in the Great Plane, which required them to move to the areas of the present western Oklahoma.
1871New York) was the first non-competitive outdoor athletic game in the US.
1902A five-month strike by United Money Workers in the US ended.
1910In a bomb blast in the Los Angeles Times building, 21 people were killed and several injured.
1918Margate Oven set a world record with a typing speed of 170 VPM in 1 minute.
1921George Melf's wildly successful silent film The Sheik, which inspired his leading actor Rudolf Valentino for stardom.
1931Famous Hindi film actor Shammi Kapoor was born.
1934Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose founded Azad Hind Fauj in Singapore.
1939Famous Hindi films actress Helen was born.
1944In World War II, the German army surrendered to American soldiers, the three -week battle of Achen ended.
1945In France, women are given the right to vote as part of the women's franchise movement. This will now allow them to vote as part of the women's franchise movement in the parliamentary elections.
1945Women in France got the right to vote for the first time.
1950The 27th British Commonwealth Brigade's Korean war-british and Australian soldiers were engaged in a heavy fight with North Korean forces in Yongju's war.
1950The death penalty ended in Belgium.
1952Many members of the Mau Mau movement who were demanding self -government after the Emergency are now in police custody. It includes jomom kenyata.
1959Solomon R. The Guggenheim Museum, designed by the American city of Frank Lloyd Wright, opened in the city of New York.
1973The United States President Nixon is asking for Israel for a $ 2.2 billion military ally.
1978After reporting contact with the unknown aircraft, Sesna 182L disappeared in vague conditions while climbing 182L light aircraft from Frederick Valentric Bus Strait, Australia.
1981Andreas Papendreu began the first of his two tenure as the primaryist of Greece, ending the powerdominated about 50 years long system by conservative forces.
1983At the seventeenth general conference on weight and measurement, the length of one meter was redefined as the distance lights inwate in 1/299,792,458 of a second.
1986Scientists are examining a huge hole that emerged in the ozone layer of the Earth above the Antarctica. He got this information from satellite connection. According to him, it has caused a certain chemical process and is suspected of the gas used in the aerosol compartment.
1998American cancer specialist Dr. Jane Heaney became the first woman commissioner of the FDA).
2005According to an investigation conducted by the United Nations, it is discovered that Rafiq Hariri, a former Prime Minister of the Syrian and Lebanon governments, was involved in the murder of Lebanon.
2005Mukhtaran Mai 'Woman of the Year ' was elected Pakistan's victim of gang rape.
2007The world's largest bank approves a plan to restore the world's financial system. It also has the support of United States Treasury.
2009Many protesters gather in Lima, Peru to oppose the approval of a bill that proposes some types of abortion legalization.
2013The New Jersey state has allowed the same-linga-marriage, becoming the 14th state of America to do so.
2013The Parliament of Canada granted Malala Yousafzai citizenship to Canada.

Important Historical Events of 21 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2008After the 60 -year Morcha ban, a trade route has been started between Pakistan and Kashmir related to the state of Jammu and Kashmir in India.
2012Indian filmmaker-director Yash Chopra died.

Important Days of 21 October National & International Days 🏁

World Iodine Deficiency DayInternational Day
Police Memorial DayNational Day
World Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 21 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1887Krishna Singh / Politician / India
1887Shri Krishna Singh / Politician / India
1925Surjit Singh Barnala / Politician / India
1931Shammi Kapoor / Actor / India
1937Farooq Abdullah / Politician / India
1944Kulbhushan Kharbanda / Actor / India
1950Jagdambika Pal / Politician / India
1970Kamal Sadanah / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 21 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 15 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of October