The year 1818 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1818 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1818 in World ⚡

12 FebruaryThe South American country Chile gained independence from Spain.
04 AprilIn the US Parliament, it was decided to put 13 red stripes and 20 stars in the national flag.
13 JanuaryRana of Udaipur compromised with Britain for the protection of Mewar.
12 FebruaryChile declared its independence from Spain.
15 MarchIn the first Seminole War, General Andrew Jackson and his US Army attacked Florida.
07 AprilBrooks Brothers, the oldest clothing merchants in the United States, opened its first store on the northeast corner of Catherine and Cherry Streets in New York City.
11 MayThe Old Vic Theater in London was established as the Royal Coburg Hall).
10 JulyThe first edition of The Farmer's Almanac was published in the United States.
01 AugustA separate topographical bureau of the United States Department was established.
23 SeptemberThe boundary markers were formally established for the European region of Moreset.
05 OctoberClaudine Thévenet (known as "Mary of St. Ignatius ") founded the Roman Catholic Order Studiégius de Yesus-Marie "Religious of Jesus and Mary") in Lyon, France.
11 NovemberLater renamed Ying Wa College) at the Anglo-Chinese College Malacca by Robert Morrison.
03 DecemberIllinois was accepted as the 21st US state.
01 JanuaryFrankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, a novel by Mary Shelley, was first published in London.
12 FebruaryOn the first anniversary of its victory in the Battle of Chacabuco, Chile formally declared its independence from Spain.
16 AprilThe United States Senate confirmed the Rush-Bagod Treaty, which laid the base of a demarcated border between the US and the British North America.
20 AprilFour days after the Kings Bench court in England, the right to trial was stopped by the fight in Ashford vs Thornton, the plaintiff refused to fight, allowing the defendant to be freed.
31 MayThe first was published in Bengali language from Serampur by Darun News, Samachar Darpin, Carrie and Marshman. The success of Bengali monthly Digarshan encouraged the missionaries of the Baptist Missionary Society to publish a new venture - a Bengali newspaper. The initiative was taken by Joshua Marshman and William Ward.
20 OctoberThe United Kingdom and the United States signed a Treaty of 1818, which settled the Canada-collapsed state border at the 49th parallel between the Pacific Ocean and the Jungle Lake.
24 DecemberThe Christmas Carol's silent night (audio characteristics) of Josephmohar and Franz Grube was first displayed in a church in Austria.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1818 in India ⚡

22 AugustWarren Hasting, the first Governor General of India, died.
03 JuneThe Maratha War ended between the British and Maratha Confederates in India.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1818 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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