According to Gregory calendar, on March 15, the day number in a year is 74 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 75. March 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1311The Catalan Company defeated Walter V, Count of Brienne in theBattle of Halmyros and took control of the Duchy of Athens, a Crusaderstate in Greece.
1493Christopher Columbus returned to Spain after his world tour.
1729St. Stanislas Haward was sworn in as the first American elf.
1744French King Louis XV declared war on Britain.
1771The Society of Civil Engineers first met in London), the oldest engineering society in the world.
1783A potential uprising in Newburgh, New York, was defused when George Washington asked Continental Army officers to support the supremacy of Congress.
1818In the first Seminole War, General Andrew Jackson and his US Army attacked Florida.
1820I got the 23rd US Accepted as a state.
1820As part of the Missouri Compromise, the exclave ofMassachusetts known as Maine was given its own U.S.statehood.
1869The Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first pro baseball team.
1875Archbishop of New York John McCloskey was named the firstcardinal in the United States.
1877Cricket's first official Test match was played in Melbourne, Australia on 15–19 March. Australia won by 45 runs.
1892Liverpool F.C., one of England's most successful footballclubs, was founded.
1892Jessie W. Reno invented the first escalator.
1907Finland became the first European country to give women the right to vote.
1916Six days after Pancho Villa and his cross-border raiders attacked Columbus, New Mexico, US General John J. Pershing led apunitive expedition into Mexico to pursue Villa.
1917Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was forced to abdicate in theFebruary Revolution, ending three centuries of Romanov rule.
1934Kanshi Ram, the founder of Bahujan Samaj Party, was born.
1941Philippine Airlines, the flag carrier of the Philippines took its first flight, making it the oldest commercial airline in Asia operating under its original name.
1943World War II-German forces recaptured Kharkov after four daysof house-to-house fighting against Soviet troops, ending the month-longThird Battle of Kharkov.
1947Hindu and Muslim conflict started in Punjab.
1972The Godfather, a gangster film based on the novel of the samename by Mario Puzo and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, was released.
1978Somalia and Ethiopia signed a ceasefire to end the Ethio-Somali War.
1985The first Internet domain name was registered.
1986The building housing the Hotel New World in Singapore collapsedsuddenly due to structural failure, killing 33 people.
198633 people were killed and 14 were rescued from the debris by the collapse of Hotel New World.
1988For the first time after independence, eight political parties called for the Bharat Bandh.
1988NASA reports accelerated break dawn of arome layer by CFK. It is a very serious matter. Nowadays instead of decreasing the problems is going on increasing.
1989New York Ranger actually retired Golie eddie Giacomins. This is a very serious matter for all the New York citizens and also for the Golie supporter.
1990Iraqi authorities hanged freelance Iranian reporter FarzadBazoft for spying for Israel.
1991The United States and Albania resumed diplomatic relations for the first time since 1939.
1992Brandi Burtan created record as he won the CPG Ping. That was Welch’s golf championship.
1999Aldbjorg became the first female defense minister of Lower Norway.
1999On this year Pluto again became the outermost planet. Before some year it was discarded. But this year it was again included.
2001Karase was re-appointed Prime Minister of Fiji.
2003A new generation came to power in China and Hu Jinto became president.
2008Kiran Bedi, the country's first female IPS officer, was selected for the German honor 'Animary Medicine' for her outstanding contribution to prison reform and human rights defense.
2009International level women wrestler Arjuna Awards Gatika Jakhar won the Bharat Kesari title for the seventh consecutive time and achieved the distinction of becoming the most powerful woman wrestler in the country.
2010According to MIcheal Oren, Israel Ambassador visited America. The reason is clear, for maintaining good relationship among the both countries as the relation wasn’t good for last 35 years.
2011Florida Miami Oade Country Mayor, Carlos Alvarey outset for the election. He was accompanied by country commissioners Natacha Seijas. The election was successful as many people participated.
2011Arab Spring: Protests erupted across Syria against the authoritarian government.
2012China’s premier Wen Jiabao blamed Dalai Lama for engaging self immolations by Tibetan monks.
2013American Gammy winning Rap Antist Lil Wayne suffered a seizure in California and recovered at a Los Angles Hospital.
2014The Chip Ganassi racing team won the 12 hrs of Sabring with individual victories for Marino Franchitti, Memo Rajas and Scott Pructt.
44Dictator Julius Caesar of the Roman Republic was stabbed todeath by Marcus Junius Brutus and several other Roman senators.
933Franks led by German king Henry I defeated an invading Hungarian army in the Battle of Riade in northern Thuringia.

Important Historical Events of 15 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1969The first helicopter squad in the Indian Navy was inducted into Goa.
1984Indian rapper Honey Singh was born.
1993A great event in Indian cricket history as Vinod Kambli scored 227 runs. The match was against Zimbabwe. It was his 2nd consecutive century.

Important Days of 15 March National & International Days 🏁

World Consumer Rights DayInternational Day
International Day to Combat IslamophobiaInternational Day
Hungary Day of Hungarian Freedom (A magyar szabadság napja)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1934Kanshi Ram / Politician / India
1943Sahib Singh Verma / Politician / India
1965Sunetra Gupta / Author / India
1976Abhay Deol / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 10 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  17552
  Post Category :  History of March