The year 1840 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1840 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1840 in World ⚡

01 MayThe world's first postage stamp was issued in Great Britain, with a portrait of Queen Victoria of Britain printed on it. The postage stamp was printed on a small square paper in black and was priced at a penny.
06 MayPenny Black released the first stamp in Britain.
20 JuneSamuel Morse patented the Telegraph.
07 OctoberWillem II became King of the Netherlands.
16 December19 years after his death, the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was cremated.
29 FebruaryIrish-American scientist John Philip Holland was born. Who are considered to be the father of modern submarines. In 1898, he built the first underwater American vessel called Holland.
10 JanuaryThe Uniform Penny Post was launched in the United Kingdom.
10 FebruaryQueen Victoria of the United Kingdom married cousin Prince Albert to Saxe-Coburg and Goth.
01 MarchAdolphe Thiers became Prime Minister of France.
15 AprilKing's College Hospital opened in London.
21 MayNew Zealand was declared a British colony.
20 JuneSamuel Morse patented the Telegraph.
23 JulyProvinces of Canada made by act of association.
28 AugustNine Jewish prisoners released from Damascus prison.
16 SeptemberHand-drawn works and papers relating to the Joseph Strud Derby Arboretum), which became England's first public park.
07 OctoberWillem II became King of the Netherlands.
04 NovemberIn the US presidential election, William Henry Harrison defeated Martin von Buren.
02 DecemberWilliam Henry Harrison was sworn in as the 9th President of the United States.
21 JanuaryThe French explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville discovered AdélieLand, Antarctica.
10 FebruaryPrince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha married Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom at the Chapel Royal, becoming prince-consort.
01 MayThe United Kingdom released Penny Black, which was earlier an official adhesive postage stamp.
20 JuneSamuel Morse received a patent for the telegraph. Samuel Finalely Brace Morse was an American painter and inventor. Morse contributed to the invention of the European wire-based single-wire telegraph system. He was the co-developer of the Morse Code, and helped develop the commercial use of telegraphy.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1840 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1840 😀

19 NovemberBegum Zeenat Mahal / Freedom Fighter / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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