According to Gregory calendar, on April 15, the day number in a year is 105 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 106. April 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 April in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1071Norman forces, under the command of Robert Guicard, won the city of Bari, the capital of Italy's Catapanate.
1469Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was born.
1638A rebellion in rebellious taxes by the Catholic Japanese farmers in Shimbra was put by Tokagawa Shogunnet, resulting in an inner consuming of the national isolation policy.
1638A rebellion in the taxes incurred by the Catholic Japanese farmers in Shimbra was put by Tokagawa Shogunnet, resulting in greater enforcement of the national solitude policy.
1715The Yakay War in South Carolina began with the Pokolago Massacre.
1716Great Northern War: Prussian troops occupied the German control of Sweden at the port of Wismar.
1726Newton William told the Supreme P Isaac Stackley about his theory of gravity.
1729The "St. Matthew Passion" inaugurated in the city of Leipzig, Johann Sebastian Bach.
1738A drama by Baroc composer George Friedrich Hendel, based on Jarax I of Persia, was a premiere of Lord's in London.
1755Samuel Johnson's "A Dictionary of the English Language" was published in London.
1755A dictionary of English language was published by Samuel Johnson, which became one of the most influential dictionaries in the history of English.
1802English poet William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothekane demonstrated a 'long belt' of Dafodils, inspiring him to do the most work, 'I Wonded Lonely A Claude'.
1817The first school in the US opened for deaf children.
1820King William-I of Württemberg married his cousin Pauline Therese in Stuttgart.
1840King's College Hospital opened in London.
1847Lawrence School Sanwar was established.
1858Battle of Azimghur, defeated Mexican Spanish.
1877The University of Tokyo was officially established in Japan.
1892The General Electric Company was established in New York.
1912Passenger liner RMS Titanic drowned in about two hours and forty minutes after hitting an iceberg, killing more than 1,500 people.
1922American senator John B. Kandrick moved a proposal to investigate a secret land deal, which led to the discovery of the Chidot Dome scam.
1922The great Poodle Dog restaurant closed in San Francisco.
1923Insulin became available in the market for people suffering from diabetes.
1927Due to torrential rains, the Mississippi River was ruled out of its levy system at 145 places, causing the worst floods in the history of the United States.
1927Switzerland and the then Soviet Union agreed to forge diplomatic relations.
1947Jackie Robinson, the first African American, who played his first game in Major League baseball, to break the breadball color line.
1952For most of the aircraft's history, the United States Air Force -run B -52 stratofort, a long distance, subcutical, jet -manual, strategic bombers took their first flight.
1958On the initiative of Walter O 'Male, Los Angeles Dojers and Sen Francisco giants played in the first Major League baseball game of the US West Coast.
1966The death of painter Nandlal Bose.
1986The US armed forces started bombing Libya to try to reduce the ability to support international terrorism.
1989The death of former Chinese general secretary Hu Yobang gave birth to several incidents, which protested Tianmen Chowk in Beijing.
1989During a human crush match between FA Cup semi -finals and Nottingham Forest at Hillsboro Stadium in Sheffield, England, 96 deaths occurred, which were the highest in any disaster related to the stadium in British history.
1991The Secret Garden for 706 demonstrations opens in St. James Theater New York City.
199120th Boston Women's Marathon won by Wanda Panfil of Poland in 2:24:18
1992William Setner, Leonard Nimoy and Deforrest Kelly joined the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
1994After the establishment of the World Trade Organization, 123 countries signed its agreement.
1995Representatives of 124 countries and the European community signed disagreement for the establishment of the World Trade Organization at the GATT ministerial meeting at Markesh, Morocco.
1996Apple does not fall lyceum theate in New York City. It was closed after 1 performance.
1996The 100th Boston Marathon won Moses Tanui of Kenya in 2: 09: 12.6.
1998Frederick Lange, popularly known as Thampi Guru, passed away.
1999Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto and her husband Asif Ali Zardari were sentenced to five years in prison for alleged kickbacks in government contracts.
2002Air China Flight 129 crashed into a mountain near Pusan ​​in Korea, killing 128 people.
2002China's plane crashed in South Keria, 128 dead.
2004LTTE militant V. Muralitharan associated with the Rajiv Gandhi assassination was killed in Colombo.
2012RMS Titanic's 100th anniversary ceremonies and special programs help all over the world.
2012China allows Yuan to fluctuate from 0.5% to 1% in business against US dollars.
2012400 terrorists escaped after an attack on a Pakistani prison.
2013During the running of the Boston Marathon, Dokhokhar and Tamraln Tsarnev closed two pressure cooker bombs, killing three people and injuring 264 others.
2013Nicolas Maduro became the President of Venezuela.
2014Google publicly provides Google Glass at $ 1,500 Apple in online sale of a day for the first time.
769The Lateran Council concluded the proceedings with the intention of improving the Paple electoral process, which increased the height of Anti -Entopes Constantine II and Philip.

Important Historical Events of 15 April in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1994India lost the first game in the Jacob Field, the city of Kanas won the general election from 2–1.1991.

Important Days of 15 April National & International Days 🏁

Guru Nanak Dev BirthdayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 April 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1919Arjan Singh / Marshal / India
1901Ajoy Mukherjee / Politician / India
1919Arjan Singh / Air Marshal / India
1922Hasrat Jaipuri / Poet / India
1932Suresh Bhat / Poet / India
1940Ustad Sultan Khan / Singer / India
1963Manoj Prabhakar / Cricketer / India
1972Mandira Bedi / Actress / India
1977Sudarsan Pattnaik / Sculptor / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 april 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 14 Jan 2023
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  Post Category :  History of April