According to Gregory calendar, on August 28, the day number in a year is 240 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 241. August 28 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 28 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1521The troops of Sultan Suleiman I of Turkey occupied Belgrade.
1709Pamhiba was crowned the king of Manipur.
1777American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Cooch's Bridge took place near Newark, Delaware.
1781Hyder Ali fought the Battle of Pallilor against the British Army.
1789With the first use of its new 1.2 meter (3.9 ft) telescope, the largest in the world, William Herschels discovered a new moon, later named Encelaide.
1794The period of fear and terror came to an end after the death penalty of Maximilian Robespierre and his comrades in France.
1830Tom Thumb (replication picture) is the first American-made steamlocomotive, which is engaged in an impenetrable race against the horse-drawn car innerland.
1840Nine Jewish prisoners released from Damascus prison.
1842The Treaty of Nanking, an uneven treaty that previously abolished Opium, was signed, forcing the Chinese King dynasty to give the right to control of Thailand that is now the site of Hong Kong, and the other of Babish There are concessions.
1845The first issue of the popular science magazine Scientific Americ (Cover Picture) was published, currently the oldest published magazine in the United States.
1845The first issue of the famous magazine Scientific American was published.
1845Scientific American magazine published its first copy.
1858The British William James Herschel, who recognized fingerprints, was born.
1861The army of the American Civil Wrong-Sangha successfully enhanced its strategy by capturing two federal forts on external banks in North Carolina.
1864The first Geneva Convention governed the rules of war signed by 26 nations.
1867The United States occupied the island of Midway in the Pacific.
1901Dumgete became the first American private school to be established in the country, Negros Oriental, Philippines, the country.
1901Silliman University, America's first private school, was founded in the Philippines.
1903The Russian warship Slav, the last of the five Borodino-class warships, was launched.
1909A military coup against the government of Dimitriosalis began in Gowdi area of ​​Athens, DATAT Greece.
1911The last member of Yahi, known as Ishi, emerged into the forest near California, to connect with European Americans.
1914In the first naval war of the First World War, British ships defeated the German fleet in the Heligoland Bite region of the North Sea.
1914It was on this day that the First World War began.
1916Italy declared war against Germany in the First World War.
1924Known as the August rebellion, a failed rebellion against Soviet rule began in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic.
1937The Japanese warships and airplanes are launching war as bombs and strip railway vehicles with school children on women and children in Shanghai. The whole world is objecting honestly, but Japanese are not taking any notice and are becoming ruthless as usual.
1937Toyota Motors, now the world's largest vehicle manufacturer, separated from Toyota Industries as an independent company.
1945The ration for butter should be reduced again as the requirement of red dots for butter is going below 12 pounds per pound; This is the second deficiency since July when butter was 24 red points per pound.
1955African American teenager Emmet Til was assassinated, Mississippi, to tamper with a white woman, to promote Nasrat American Civil Rights Movement.
1963Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, the world's longest bridge, was opened in Washington, Lake Washington, USA.
1972National Insurance Business Nationalization Bill was passed.
1973Sweden police used gas bombs to eliminate seven days of hostages in Stockholm; During the incident, the hostages tied the word 'Stockholm syndrome' with the inner capters during the incident.
1986Bhagyashree Sathe became the first woman to become a grandmaster in chess.
1996Four years after separation, Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife, Princess Diana, formally divorced.
1996Prince Charles of England and his wife Diana formally divorced.
2006Maria Esther D. Capovilla, the world's greatest woman, died in Ecuador.
2007The full lunar eclipse occurs during pissing in most regions of North America and Eastern Pacific Ocean region.
2007Six nuclear warheads were accused of incorrectly loading by a huge bombers of an United States Air Force, which flew from Minotier Force Base in North Dakota to Barkdel Air Force Base in Louisiana.
2008Illinois senator Barack Obama, welcomes the nomination of the Democratic Party at the Invesco Field at Mile High in Danver, Colorado, hence will become the first African American candidate to be nominated for the election as the President of the United States.
2008Barack Obama became the first African American to be named as a presidential candidate by a large American party.
2009A detailed chemical structure of a single molecule is first copied. The physical size of single carbon nano-tube has been lined with similar techniques before, but the new method also shows chemical bonds.
2011Hurricane Irene, resulting in tremendous damage and flooded many areas including New York City, came to the eastern coast of the United States. Many citizens were thrown out of the area before the storm, yet the storm killed many people.
2012IBM sells a 'most powerful and advanced' server.
2013A three-storey building collapsed in Vadodara city of Gujarat killing 11 people.
2014The Philippines' economy grows at a rate of 6.4% in 2013, so in 2013 after showing signs of improvement due to typhoon haiyan.

Important Historical Events of 28 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1870The first trade union of India, the Shramjeevi Sangh, was established.
1949The last six surviving veterans of the American Civil War met with Indianapolis.
2010China and India claim that military relations between the two countries will not be affected despite the latest visa struggle.

Famous People's Birthdays on 28 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
195Jagdish Singh Khehar / Lawyer / India
1896Firaq Gorakhpuri / Poet / India
1928Vilayat Khan / Composer / India
1929Rajendra Yadav / Writer / India
1950Anant Mahadevan / Actor / India
1952Jagdish Singh Khehar / Judge / India
1961Deepak Tijori / Actor / India
1966Priya Dutt / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 28 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 11 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of August