Find Hindi meaning of Glut. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Glut" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Glut" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionsupply or fill to excess.
Hindi Meaning of Glutप्रचुरता, बहुतायत, भरमार, ज्यादा खाना, जरुरत से ज्यादा पूर्ति, अतिरिक्त, आधिक्य
Synonyms of GlutExcess, Fat, Surplus
Antonyms of GlutInsufficiency, Lack, Want

Use of "Glut" word in sentences, examples

  • Nippon Steel's Thai venture soaring despite global glut
  • The persistent rise in excess savings in China and elsewhere echoes the dangerous savings glut before the financial crisis. 
  • No other region of the world currently contributes more to the global glut in savings that has brought interest rates around the world down to record lows.
  • An enormous milk glut is has prompted dairy farmers to dump 43 million gallons of milk, the Wall Street Journal said.
  • Ottawa's housing market is much stronger than other cities across the country, but there remains a glut of new condos on the market.

Similar words of "Glut"

Gorgeसंकरी घाटी, भकोसना, जल्दी खाना, प्रचुरता, बहुतायत, भरमार
Satiateसंतृप्त करना, संतुष्ट करना, तृप्त करना, जी भरना, अधाना, उक्ताना, अतिरेक अजीर्ण

Glut FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Glut is, प्रचुरता, बहुतायत, भरमार, ज्यादा खाना, जरुरत से ज्यादा पूर्ति, अतिरिक्त, आधिक्य.

Similar words for Glut are Excess, Fat, Surplus.

The Definition of Glut is supply or fill to excess..

Insufficiency, Lack, Want, are antonyms of the Glut word.

Glut is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2272
  Post Category :  G Letter Words and Meaning