The year 1757 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1757 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1757 in World ⚡

23 JuneIn the Battle of Plassey, Siraj-Daula attacked the British army led by Clive, in which he suffered defeat.
16 OctoberThe Austrian army captured Berlin, the capital of Germany.
20 DecemberLord Clive was made the Governor of Bengal.
02 JanuaryRobert Clive took Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula back to Calcutta (now Kolkata).
06 FebruaryBritish scientist Joseph Black discovered carbonic gas.
02 JanuaryBritain annexed Calcutta after fighting in the Seven Years' War).
06 AprilThe British King George II rejected Minister of State Southern Department) William Pitt the Elder.
06 MayBattle of Prague: Prussian forces defeated Frederick II's Austrian army.
23 JuneRobert Clive defeated the army under the leadership of Surja Doval Plassey, winning control of Bengal.
26 JulyBattle over Hustenbeck: French army lost to King of Cumberland.
09 AugustThe Seven Years' War - Battle of Gross-Jjerdorff: A Porschean army under Hans von Lehwald defeated by the Russian army of Marshal Stepan Erpexin.
16 OctoberAustrian troops occupied Berlin.
28 NovemberBritain condemned the convention of Kloster-Zeven.
05 DecemberBattle of Luton: The Prussian army beheaded the Austrian.
05 JanuaryThe German Workers' Party, the forerunner to the Nazi Party, was founded by Anton Drexler.
14 MarchBritish Royal Navy Admiral John Byng was court-martialled andexecuted by firing squad when he failed to 'do his utmost' during theBattle of Minorca at the start of the Seven Years' War.
02 MayKombang-Burl captured the city of Burma Burma to end the Kongbang-Hantwadi war.
06 MayThe English poet Christopher Smart was admitted to St. Luke's horse for leukatics in London, which began his six -year imprisonment.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1757 in India ⚡

19 AugustThe first one rupee coin of the East India Company was made in the Calcutta mint.
23 JuneThe battle of Plassey began between Robert Clive, in -charge of the British Army and the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj -Uud -Daula. Robert Clive controlled Bengal in this battle. The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal and its French colleagues. The fight established the company rule in Bengal which expanded to most parts of India for the next hundred years.
23 JuneUnder Robert Clive, seven-year war-british forces defeated soldiers under Siraj Ud-Daula in the Battle of Plassey, allowing the British East India Company to capture Bengal.
02 JulyNawab Siraj-ud-Daula was caught and murdered. At the behest of Meeran, he was stabbed by Muhammad Baig with a knife. Siraj Ud-Daula was the last independent Nawab of Bengal. The beginning of the rule of the British East India Company in Bengal and later the end of their rule throughout South Asia is worth noting.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1757 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
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  Post Category :  18th Century History