The year 1788 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1788 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1788 in World ⚡

25 JuneVirginia became the 10th state to adopt the US Constitution.
26 JulyNew York became the 11th state of the United States.
31 JulyMaryland became the seventh state to ratify the US Constitution.
13 SeptemberNew York City became America's first capital.
02 FebruaryPitts Regulatory Act was implemented for administrative reforms in the country.
28 AprilMary Land became the seventh state to ratify the US Constitution.
26 JanuaryAustralia became a colony of Britain.
07 FebruarySydney was named and named by the British Colony of New South Wales.
21 MarchThe Great New Orleans fire killed 25% of the population and destroyed 856 buildings, including St. Louis Cathedral and Cabadie, and transformed much of the city into ruins.
28 AprilMaryland ratified the United States Constitution and the seventh U.S. The state was created.
15 MayAustralian border wars started.
11 JuneRussian explorer Grasim Izmailov reached Alaskan.
26 JulyNew York ratified the Constitution of the United States and became the eleventh US state.
08 AugustFor the first time since 1614, King Louis XVI of France agreed in May 1789 to convene the first estates-general meeting.
24 SeptemberThe 'Theater War' began when the Denmark-Norway army attacked Sweden.
01 OctoberWilliam Brody is hanged at the Tollbooth in Edinburgh.
14 DecemberKing Charles III of Spain has died and his son Charles IV succeeded him.
18 JanuaryThe armed tender HMS Supply, the first ship of the First Fleet, arrived at Botany Bay, Australia.
07 AprilAmerican pioneers founded the city of Marietta (in modern Ohio), the first permanent American settlement outside the original thirteen colonies.
23 MaySouth Carolina confirmed the Constitution of the United States as the eighth American state. The colony adopted the Constitution of South Carolina to become the first Republic in the US. John Rutlage was elected as the first President of the state.
07 JuneGreno-civilian citizens threw roof tiles at royal soldiers, sometimes credited as the beginning of the French revolution.
25 JuneVirginia became the tenth state to confirm the Constitution of the United States. Virginia is officially the Commonwealth of Virginia, an American state located in the South Atlantic region of the United States. Virginia has been named as a former dominance of the English Crown, and due to the fact that eight presidents of America were born there than another state due to the name of "Old Dominion", and "mother of the presidents". Was done

Important Historical Events of the Year 1788 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1788 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History