According to Gregory calendar, on June 25, the day number in a year is 176 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 177. June 25 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 25 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1529The Mughal ruler Babur conquered Bengal and returned to his capital Agra.
1658Anglo-Spanish war-English colonial forces launched a spanish attack in the biggest battle on Jamaica.
1741Maria Theresa of Austria was crowned Queen Regent of Hungary in Bratislava.
1788Virginia became the 10th state to adopt the US Constitution.
1788Virginia became the tenth state to confirm the Constitution of the United States. Virginia is officially the Commonwealth of Virginia, an American state located in the South Atlantic region of the United States. Virginia has been named as a former dominance of the English Crown, and due to the fact that eight presidents of America were born there than another state due to the name of "Old Dominion", and "mother of the presidents". Was done
1798The US passed the Alien Act, so that the president could be let off dangerous aliens.
1868US President Andrew Johnson passed a law for government employees to work eight hours a day.
1900A Daoist monk in Mogo caves in Donhuang, China, discovered the world of 5th to 11th century Dunong manuscripts (Sampikta).
1910The United States Congress passed the Honor Act, which banned the inter -state transport of women for 'unethical objectives'.
1910Firebird, the first major work by Russian composer Igorastrainsky, made his premiere in Paris.
1913Over 50,000 union and Sangh giants gathered in the GTsburg battlefield near Getvsburg, Pennsylvania, the largest reunion of the American citizen war giants.
1927The drama film The Way of All Messes, starring Emil Janning, premiered in New York City.
1935Diplomatic relations were established between the Soviet Union and Colombia. Colombia-Russia relationship refers to bilateral and foreign relations between Colombia and Russia. Diplomatic relations between Colombia and the USSR were first established. There is an embassy in Moscow in Colombia and an embassy in Bogota in Russia.
1940Second World War: France officially surrendered to Germany. In the Second World War, the France's Battle, also known as the France's collapse, was a successful German invasion of France and lower countries, mainly by defeating the French forces. The fight included two main operations. First, Gir Gelb (Case Yellow), German Bakhtarband units pushed through Ardanese and then to aligned with the Somme Valley and to surround the friendship units that moved forward in Belgium.
1940World War II - The withdrawal of soldiers of about 200,000 friendly countries was completed from French ports.
1940Second World War: The evacuation of about 200,000 friendly soldiers from French ports was completed.
1941Finland declared an attack on the Soviet Union.
1944The Second World Wronged State USA and the Royal Navy ships bombed Bombardberg of France to support the US Army units engaged in the Battle of France, Carbberg.
1947The diary of a young girl (known as Anne Frank's diary) was published. The Diary of a Young Girl, a book written by the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank, while she was hiding with her family for two years during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family was caught in 1944, and Anne Frank died of typhus at the Bergon-Belson concentration camp.
1949Long-Hair Hair, starring Bags Bani, has been released in theaters. Long-Hird Hair 1949 released in 1949 is Luni Tunes Theater Cartoon Short, directed by Chak Jones and written by Michael Maltese. In addition to incorporating homophone "hair" and "green" and "green", there is also a sentence on the title "Longheir", which is the characterization of classical music lovers. Nicolai Shhutorov provides singing voice of Jiovani Jones.
1950Civil war broke out between North and South Korea fighting for the independence, which later took the form of international cold war.
1950The Korean War begins with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. The Korean War was a war between the North and South Korea, in which a United Nations force led by the United States fought for the South, and China fought for the North, which was also provided by the Soviet Union. Was.
1950The Korean War started by North Korean forces with a pre-early raid on the 38th parallel in South Korea.
1951American television and radio network CBS aired the first color TV program in four cities from New York.
1960The United States went on leave for two cryptographers Mexico, who worked for the National Security Agency, and removed the Soviet Union from there.
1967More than 400 million people saw our world, the first live, international satellite television production.
1973Arskin Hamilton Childers was elected as the fourth President of Ireland.
1975On the advice of the Indira Gandhi government, President Fakhruddin Ali declared a state of emergency in the country.
1978The rainbow flag representing gay pride first flew into Sanfrancisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
1991Croatia and Slovenia declared their freedom from Yugoslavia. The socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia was the state of Yugoslav, which existed from its foundation after World War II. It was a socialist state and a union made of six socialist republics: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herjegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
1993Kim Campbell became the first female Prime Minister of the 19th Canada.
1993Kim Campbell became the 19th Prime Minister of Canada.
1993The Vienna declaration and program action was adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights. VDPA confirmed the universal announcement of human rights and United Nations Charter. It is said in its preamble
1999United Nations Security Council: Resolution 1248 and 1249 was adopted. Proposals 1248 and 1249 of the United Nations Security Council were adopted after examining applications from the Republic of Kiribati for membership in the United Nations and the Republic of Nauru.
2006Israeli soldier Geelad Shalit was abducted from across a border from Carem Shalom from Gaza Strip, and was held by Hamas until 2011.
2009Michael Jackson, who wrote a new definition of music and dance, died.
2009Swedish officials removed eight-year-old Domainic Johansanfrom on the grounds of his parents on the grounds that he was not being educated.
2009Singer Michael Jackson died after the cardiac arrest athlete was at the house of Los Angeles, after which the authorities declared the cause of a murder due to a combination of drugs in his body.
2013Tamim bin Hamad al Thani became the eighth rich of Qatar. He is the fourth son of Qatar's previous rich, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani. He became rich of Qatar after his father's sacrifice. Sheikh Tamim has served in many government positions within Qatar and has also worked to promote many sports events within the country. Till 2013, Tamim is the youngest monarchy in the world.
2013Tamim bin Hamad al Thani became the eighth rich of Qatar, who is currently the youngest ruler in the world.
2014Luis Suarez was accused of biting the player of the opposition team during the FIFA 2014 World Cup.

Important Historical Events of 25 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1932The Indian cricket team played its first Test match at the Lord's ground in Britain.
1975Citing a threat to national security, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi announced a unilateral emergency situation, which lasted for almost two years.
1983India defeated the West Indies by 43 runs to win the Cricket World Cup title for the first time.
1983India won the Cricket World Cup by defeating the West Indies by 43 runs.

Important Days of 25 June National & International Days 🏁

Day of the Seafarer [IMO]International Day
International Seafarers DayInternational Day
Mozambique Independence Day Dia da Independência NacionalNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 25 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1900Lord Mountbatten / Former viceroy / England
1904Sucheta Kripalani / Politician / India
1900Lord Louis Mountbatten / Indian Navy / India
1900Louis Mountbatten / Governor General / India
1908Sucheta Kripalani / Politician / India
1915Kashmir Singh Katoch / Military Advisor / India
1924Madan Mohan / Composer / India
1931V. P. Singh / Politician / India
1931Vishwanath Pratap Singh / Politician / India
1974Karishma Kapoor / Actress / India
1975Manoj Kumar Pandey / Soldier / India
1985Kajal Aggrawal / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 25 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11714
  Post Category :  History of June