The year 1835 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1835 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1835 in World ⚡

02 NovemberThe Second Seminole War began in Osceola, Florida between various factions of Native Americans. This battle is also known as the Florida War.
08 JanuaryFor the only time in history, the United States public debt contract was void.
01 FebruarySlavery was abolished in Mauritius.
02 MarchFerdinand became emperor king of Austria).
18 AprilLord Melbourne succeeded Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
05 MayBryulio Carrillo was sworn in as head of state of Costa Rica.
08 JuneThe city of Australia Melbourne was founded by John Batman and John Pascoco Fokner.
26 JulyThe first sugarcane plantation started in Hawaii.
30 AugustThe city of Melbourne was found by European settlers landing on the northern bank of the Yar River in southern Australia.
07 SeptemberCharles Darwin reached the Galápagos Islands on HMS Beagle.
03 OctoberStadtler Company Pencil Manufacturer) to J.D. s. s. Founded in Nuremberg, Germany by Stadtler.
02 NovemberThe Second Seminole War began in Osceola.
07 DecemberFuture U.S. Chairman James K. Polak became the Speaker of the House.
30 JanuaryRichard Lawrence became the first person to make an assassination attempt on a sitting US president when he failed to kill Andrew Jackson and was subdued by the crowd.
14 FebruaryThe members of the original Quorum of the Twelve of the LatterDay Saint movement were selected by the Three Witnesses.
30 AugustYaru Riverin landed the city of Melbourne (painted Parliamenthouse).
02 OctoberMexican drugs sent settlers in Gonzalase, Texas to unarmed, before the Texas Revolution faced strict resistance from a Texian militia in Batalof Gonzalase, Batlof Gonzalase.
28 OctoberThe Maori chiefs signed the announcement of New Zealand's independence and established the joint tribes of New Zealand.
29 DecemberThe United States signed the Treaty of New Ekota with a minority Cherokee faction of leaders, which became a legal basis for extracting tears, known as the Trail of Tears.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1835 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1835 😀

13 FebruaryMirza Ghulam Ahmad / Religious Leader / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History