According to Gregory calendar, on October 02, the day number in a year is 275 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 276. October 02 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 02 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1263The Scottish-Norwegian war-Norway and Scotland forces fought in the Lars battle, which was an incarnate engagement near the present city of Largs, Northern Irshire.
1470Along with King Edward IV of England, Richard Neville was forced to flee the Netherlands after a rebellion organized by Warwick's 16th Earl, Henry VI was restored to England's throne.
1492King Henry VII of Britain invaded France.
1535French explorer Jacques Carter left with the River St. Lawrence and now reached Iroekwis Kindar village Hochelga on the island known as Montreal.
1787Magden House opened in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
1802The war between Sweden and Tripoli ended.
1804Britain united to defend against the French invasion.
1813The Philosophy Society of the University of Pennsylvania was founded (the oldest extant literary society in the United States).
1835Mexican drugs sent settlers in Gonzalase, Texas to unarmed, before the Texas Revolution faced strict resistance from a Texian militia in Batalof Gonzalase, Batlof Gonzalase.
1889In Washington, DC, the first international conference of American states was started.
1895The first cartoon comic strip was first published in the newspaper.
1895The first cartoon strip was published in a newspaper in North America.
1901Holland 1 was the first submarine of the British Royal Navy, launched at Barrow-in-Furnace.
1903The first modern world series, the annual championship series of Major League baseball, was opened.
1928A worldwide organization at the Catholic Church established the Spanish priest Josemaria Escreva, which teaches that everyone can be a saint.
1937Under the order of President Rafael Truejillo, Dominican soldiers started mass killings of around 20,000 highautians living in the Republic of Dominican.
1939The Battle of Cock began.
1942The Stabilization Act was enacted in the United States.
1946Communists occupied Bulgaria.
1946Mensa, the largest and oldest high-intellect in the world, was built in the United Kingdom.
1949The Soviet Union recognized the People's Republic of China.
1950Peanut, Charles M. Shulz's syndicated comic strip, which included Charlie Brown and his pet Snupi, was first published in major newspapers.
1951Shyama Prasad Mukherjee founded the Bharatiya Jana Sangh.
1952Community development program started.
1961Despite the strong resistance of the US armed forces, the Defense Intelligence Agency (Seal Picture) was formed, which became the country's major global military espionage organization.
1963Hurricane Flora, Haiti, Cuba, Trinidad, and Tobago, Grenada die of heavy storms, it was considered to be deadly and one of the worst storms recorded for destruction.
1967Thr good marshal was sworn in as the first African-American Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
1968More than 25 people died due to a brutal gun fight in Mexico. Thousands of students objected to the military occupation of the National Polytechnic Institute.
1968A peaceful student performance at Tletolco section of Mexico City was violently suppressed when the army and police forces opened fire in the crowd.
1974Talan University Medical School, New Orleans K.K. According to studies conducted by Robert Heath, canbis smoking smoking can cause brain damage.
1982The bombing in Tehran, the capital of Iran, killed about 60 people and injured 700 people.
1983Neil Kinnak was elected leader of the British Labor Party.
1987Denmark became the first country to legalize civil associations among couples with similar sex.
1988The longest bridge over the sea opened between Mandapam and Pamban in Tamil Nadu.
1990A kidnapped aircraft collided with two other aircraft at China's Guangzhou Bayun International Airport, killing a total of 128 people.
1992In response to the prison riots, the military police attacked the Carunderu Peninsula in Sao Paulo, Brazil, killing at least 100 prisoners.
1996Former Prime Minister of Bulgaria Andrey Lukyanov was assassinated.
2001NATO gave the nod to the 19-nation organization to attack Afghanistan.
2004American Samoa joins the North American numbering scheme.
2005Astronomers who discovered Aris, that NASA refers to the "tenth planet, stated that it has a moon, diasonomia.
2006Four Russian officials arrested as intruders in Georgia have been released.
2007The 2007 Summer Special Olympic began in Shanghai, China.
2007South Korean President Roh Mo-Hune stepped on the military demarcation line for the second Inter-Korean summit along with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il.
2009Pakistan's army examines a video posted on Facebook, a social networking site that shows soldiers misbehaving with the Taliban.
2009The twentieth eighth amendment of the Constitution of Ireland was approved in the second attempt, allowing the state to confirm the Treaty of Lisbon of the European Union.
2012According to a report by the European Commission, at the requirement of better security, the cost of nuclear reactors at 134 power stations in Europe will be 10 to 25 billion euros.
201220 students were killed in Mubi, Nigeria.
2012Gunmen killed 20 students in Nigeria.
2013U.S. In law enforcement "Silk Road" closes, which was an internet market for various illegal work including illegal drug trade. Its alleged principal Ross Ulmbrich has also been arrested.
2014Some people in the United States have long banned Vietnam on harmful weapon sales to help it help in marine security. It is a historical step that has come 40 years after the end of the Vietnam war.
829Opilos climbed the throne of the Bijantine Empire, which was the last emperor supporting the iconoclasma.

Important Historical Events of 02 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1869Mahatma Gandhi, father of the nation of India, was born in Porbandar. Today is celebrated as Non-Violence Day all over the world including India.
1904Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second Prime Minister of India, was born in Mughalsarai, Uttar Pradesh.
1961The Shipping Corporation of India was formed in the present economic capital of India (Bombay now Mumbai).
1985In India, the Dowry Prohibition Amendment Act came into existence on this day.

Important Days of 02 October National & International Days 🏁

International Day of Non-ViolenceInternational Day
Gandhi JayantiNational Day
Lal Bahadur Shastri BirthdayNational Day
Mahatma Gandhi Birthday (Gandhi Jayanti)National Day
International Nonviolence DayInternational Day
Wildlife Week (2 to 8 Oct)National Day
Guinea Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 02 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1869Mahatma Gandhi / lawyer / India
1904Lal Bahadur Shastri / Politician / India
1869Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi / Freedom Fighter / India
1904Lal Bahadur Shastri / Politician / India
1924Tapan Sinha / Director / India
1939Budhi Kunderan / Cricketer / India
1942Asha Parekh / Actress / India
1948Persis Khambatta / Model / India

See full list of famous people born on 02 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 14 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11790
  Post Category :  History of October