The year 1843 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1843 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1843 in World ⚡

02 JanuaryThe postal service began regularly, and the first letter box was installed in the Austrian capital Vienna.
20 JanuaryRoyal Academy Technical Hague Court) opened in Delft.
06 FebruaryThe Virginia Minstrel performed the first bang at the Bowery Amphitheater in New York City.
16 MarchThe city of Petropolis was founded by the Brazilian government.
22 MayThe first wagon train with 700–1000 migrants was sent to Freedom Oregon, Missouri.
24 JuneVincenzo Soliva declared that no Jew could live outside the ghetto in Italy.
31 AugustThe Liberty Party nominated James Birness to be the presidential candidate.
02 SeptemberThe Economist newspaper was first published in London.
01 OctoberEvery news of the world was started in London.
25 NovemberThe Mount Etna eruption in Italy killed 69 people in the village of Bronte.
13 DecemberBasutoland was made a British protector.
20 JanuaryHonório Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquis of Paraná, became thede facto first prime minister of the Empire of Brazil.
11 MarchEta Carinae flared up to become the second brightest star in the night sky.
16 MayElm Grove, the first major Wagon Train Heading for Pacific NorthwestSet on the Oregon trail (according to Figure) with a thousands of Missouri.
17 JuneNew Zealand Wars-N Europeans' armed arms arms Nelson to arrest Nagati Toa chief Tea Raopraha and clashed with Maori, resulting in 26 deaths.
12 JulyJoseph Smith, the founder of the letter de Sant movement, announced an revelations recommending polygamy.
19 JulySS Great Britain, Bristol, an iron hull started from Britain and the first ship in a screw propeller were the first ship in the ocean.
19 JulyThe SS Great Britain, the first ocean-world ship, with Bristol, launched from the UK, both were Aaron Hail and a screw propeller.
04 SeptemberTwo Sicily's Teresa Christina married Pedro II in Brazil at a state ceremony.
13 OctoberThe oldest continuous Jewish service in the world was established in B 'Nai B ' Rith, New York City.
19 DecemberA Christmas Carol, novel Abenezer screws and Norbby three Christmas ghosts were published by Charles Dickens.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1843 in India ⚡

07 AprilThe East India Company removed the legal support for slavery from the Indian Slavery Act 1843.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1843 😀

05 AugustSir Panambakkam Anandacharlu / Advocate / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History