According to Gregory calendar, on October 13, the day number in a year is 286 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 287. October 13 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 13 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1307Agents of France's King Philip IV launched the knights together, as well as several members of the knights and tortured them temporarily to 'accept'.
1710The French surrender, which ended the siege of Queen Anne's War-Port Royal, gave permanent occupation of the British to the British.
1716The soldiers of the Hungarian Emperor Karel 6 captured Temesaver.
1760Russia and Austrian forces withdrew from Germany's capital Berlin.
1773The Whirlpool galaxy was discovered by Charles Messier.
1773Charles Messier discovered the Whirlpool Galaxy.
1807The Geological Society of London was founded.
1812In the 1812 war, British soldiers and Mohok warriors canceled an American invasion from across the Niagara river in the battle of Queenstone Heights near Queenston, Ontario.
1843The oldest continuous Jewish service in the world was established in B 'Nai B ' Rith, New York City.
1857Terror of 1857: New York's banks were not opened until December 12.
1881The Jews were determined to bring about the renovation of Hebrew as a spoken language to unite, Alizer Ben-Yehuda had disbelief for the first modern conversation in Hebrew while living in Iparis.
1884Today, it was decided that Greenwich Mean Time would be the world's standard time. Greenwich is part of South East London.
1885The Georgia Institute of Technology was established under the reconstruction scheme at Atlanta, which was to create an industrial economy in the Inpost-Sports Southern United States.
1892Edward Emerson Bernard first discovered the tail star, called D-1892T1, through photographs.
1911Prince Arthur, a son of Queen Victoria, became the only Governor General of Canada of Arthur Shahi dynasty.
1914Garrett Morgan discovered and painted a gas mask.
1917At least 30,000 people witnessed the 'Miracle of the Sun' in Kova Da Iria fields near Fatima in Portugal.
1919Aerial Navigation signed the Convention relating to regulation.
1921The Soviet Republics of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Jigoria signed a curse treaty with the Grand National Assembly of Turkey to establish contemporary borders between Turkey and South Caucasus states.
1933The romantic comedy drama film Bomshell starring Jean Harlow and Lee Tracy was published.
1943Italy announced a war on Germany, who was once his ally, and was also called co-star by the United Nations.
1943The Second World War-a new government along with the new government led by General Petero Bidoglyo, parts of Italy reflected the Allies and warned the Axis powers.
1943Italy declared a fight against Germany's former Allies.
1948Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, a famous singer of Sufi devotional music and qawwali was born.
1952Concerns about rising public loans have increased, which is expected to reach $ 268 billion by the end of the financial year.
1958The first book 'Dark Peru from Dark Peru' was published by English children's LiteratureTrack Paddington Bare.
1972The survivors in the plane crash resort to cannibalism to survive after being lost in the Andes for two months. He ate the meat of his dead companions.
1976A chartered Boeing 707 crashed on a busy road in Santa Cruise, a city in Bolivia, killed more than 100 people.
1976A Boeing jet plane crashed in Bolivia, killing about 100 people.
1983Chicago, the first cellular mobile phone service for the general public in the United States, is provided by the America Mobile Communications.
1987Famous playback singer, actor and producer-director Kishore Kumar passed away.
1988The US conducted a nuclear test in Nevada.
1999The United States Senate rejected the approval of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
2002The horrific explosion at Bali nightclub in Indonesia killed 200 people and injured over 300 people.
2005The dangerous appearance of the H5N1 avian influenza virus is confirmed in the dead birds found in Turkey.
2006Veterinarians are said to use Vesocomis to control elephant's over -simulation in Africa. In the Krurgar National Park, there has been a huge increase in their number in the last decade.
2007About 11 people have been killed and 23 injuries after a natural gas explosion in a building of dnipropetrovsk of Ukraine.
2008The ban on Belarusian President Alexander Luakshhenko and 6 other administrators has been temporarily lifted by the European Union in an attempt to encourage democratic development in that country.
2009La Bela Princea is a painting that was not previously recognized, credited to Leonardo da Vinci on the evidence of the fingerprint.
2013A stampede in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh killed 109 people.
54The first Roman Emperor Claudius, who was born outside Italy, mysteriously died, which was most likely from poison by his wife Agripina.

Important Historical Events of 13 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1895The first Test captain of India's cricket team, C.K. Naidu was born.
1999Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the Prime Minister of India for the third time.

Important Days of 13 October National & International Days 🏁

International Day for Disaster Risk ReductionInternational Day
International Disaster Reduction DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 13 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1925Margaret Thatcher / Politician / England
1911Ashok Kumar / Actor / India
1924Moturu Udayam / Politician / India
1936Chitti Babu / Composer / India

See full list of famous people born on 13 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 15 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  16923
  Post Category :  History of October