Major Diseases, Symptoms And Affected Organs Caused by Bacteria

What is a bacterium called?

Bacteria, which we call bacteria in Hindi, are small unicellular organisms, which are found everywhere on the whole earth. Those organisms which humans cannot see with the naked eye and which require a microscope to see them are called microorganisms. The world of microorganisms is very diverse. Microorganisms include all bacteria (bacteria) and archaea and almost all protozoa, apart from some fungi (fungi), algae (algae), and rotifers etc. Microorganisms are ubiquitous.

They are found in soil, water, air, inside our body and in other types of animals and plants. Where life is not possible, such as deep inside geysers (thermal chimneys) where the temperature rises up to 100 °C, deep in soils, several meters below ice sheets and in highly acidic environments such as go.

List of diseases, symptoms and affected organs caused by bacteria:

Disease name Name of germ Affected limb Symptoms
Cholera Bibio cholerae Digestive System Vomiting and diarrhea, body cramps and dehydration
T. B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lungs Cough, fever, chest pain, bleeding from the mouth
Whooping cough Vasilum pertussis lung Frequent coughing
Pneumonia Diplococcus pneumoniae Lungs Chest pain, trouble breathing
Bronchitis Bacteria The respiratory system Chest pain, trouble breathing
Pleurisy Bacteria Lungs Chest pain, fever, trouble breathing
Plague Pasteurella Pastis lymph nodes Body aches and high fever, red eyes and discharge of nodules
Diphtheria Corny vactrium Throat Sore throat, difficulty in breathing
leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Nervous system Cut off fingers, stains on the body
Typhoid Typhi salmonel Intestine High fever, abdominal discomfort and dyspepsia
Tetanus Clostadium tetoni Spinal cord Muscle contraction
Gonorrhea Nigeria gonorrhoeae Reproductive organs Inflammation and sores in the genital tract, Difficulty in passing urine
Syphilis Treponema padedum Reproductive organs Inflammation and sores in the genital tract, Difficulty in passing urine
Meningitis Treponema padedum Brain Headache, fever, vomiting and fainting
Influenza Phifers vasellus The respiratory system Watery nose, Headache, Eye pain
Trachoma Bacteria Eye Headache, eye pain
Rhinitis Elegentus Nose asal congestion, headache
Scarlet Fever Bacteria respiratory system Fever

List of important facts related to bacteria:

  • Bacteria have been on this planet long before us. They are considered to be the oldest form of life on this earth.
  • The bacteria on your work table are 399 times more numerous than on the toilet.
  • The bacteria were first observed in 1676 by the Dutch microscopist Antoine van Leeuwenhoek using a single-lens microscope of his own design.
  • There are an estimated 15X1030 bacteria found all over the earth.
    bacteriology is the study of bacteria
  • The number of human cells in the human body is about 10 times that of bacterial cells.
  • Bacteria are classified as prokaryotes.
  • You exchange bacteria when kissing your partner.
  • About 2 kg of your weight is made up of bacteria.
  • Did you know that there are about 1400 species of microbes in your lower abdomen?
  • There are bacteria on your mobile phone too. Compared to the toilet seat, your phone has a higher number of bacteria.
  • Humans have been able to see bacteria only after the invention of the microscope.
  • Over 2500 types of bacteria are on every note in your wallet.
  • Your body odor is not caused by sweat but because of bacteria.
  • Bacteria can survive in any part of the planet and in any season.
  • When it rains, there is a strange smell in the air. It is caused by a type of bacteria, actinomycetes.
  • Did you know that some antibacterial drugs are made with the help of bacteria?
  • In April 2019, scientists at ETH Zurich created the world's first bacterial genome entirely created by a computer, named Culobacteria athensis-2.0.

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Bacterial Diseases FAQs:

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye. It is one of the diseases of the eye in which the vision of the eye gradually weakens. This disease is caused by the weakness of the optic nerves, which operate the blood circulation of the eye, which damages the vision inside the eye.

Scurvy is a disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. It affects the teeth and gums.

Pathogenic bacteria secrete antigens. In immunology, antigens are molecules present in the body of an organism that generate the ability to fight diseases. In other words, any substance that helps the body's immune system to produce antibodies is called an antigen.

The growth of bacteria is measured by a blood cytometer (hemocytometer). A hemocytometer (or hemocytometer) is a counting-room instrument originally designed and commonly used for counting blood cells.

Rhizobium is a soil bacterium that fixes nitrogen. It is most suitable organic fertilizer for pulse crop. Azolla fixes atmospheric nitrogen along with nitrogen fixing blue air algae.

  Last update :  Thu 8 Sep 2022
  Post Views :  19779
  Post Category :  Medical Science