Names of diseases affecting crops: The word plant pathology or phytopathology is derived from three Greek words, plant, disease and knowledge, which literally mean "knowledge of plant diseases". Therefore, plant pathology is that branch of agricultural science, botany or biology, under which the symptoms, causes, causes of diseases, disease cycle, loss from ragas and their control are studied.

Objectives of Plant Pathology:

The main objectives of this science are:

  • To study the related living, non-living and environmental causes of plant diseases.
  • To study the response of pathogens to disease development.
  • To study the interactions between plants and pathogens.
  • To develop control methods of diseases so that the damage caused by them to plants can be minimized or avoided.

List of diseases that damage crops

Here are the names of diseases that occur in plants:-

Crop name Names of diseases
Mustard White kitt disease
Peanuts Tikka disease
Potato Angmari, Back Angmari
Gram Wilt disease
Mango Powdery mildew and bunch top disease
Wheat Brown Rust and Kittu Disease
Rice Khaira disease, scorch disease and gust disease
Tobacco Mosaic disease
Sugarcane Red rot disease
Tomato Raised disease
Guava Woke up
Betel Mahali or coli roga disease
Vegetables Ganglion and mosaic
Coffee and tea Kitt
Rice Puffy and brown foliar disease
Jute Stem thawing
Bananas Cluster top disease
Cotton Sperm scorch, wilt and blemish

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Crop Diseases FAQs:

Nepethes is an insectivorous plant, this insectivorous plant is found in the Khasia and Garo hills of Assam. Its leaves have a jug-like shape at the end. This is its noose in which it traps insects.

Rice is a tropical food crop that requires a temperature of 270 C and a rainfall of more than 100 cm. The peak growth stage of rice requires high temperature and a good amount of rainfall. Most of the rice cultivation takes place in warm climates and is considered suitable for rainfall and high temperatures.

The pH value of suitable fertile soil for growing normal crops is likely to be 6 to 7. The pH scale is used to express acidity or alkalinity.

The process of growing different crops in sequence to maintain soil fertility is called crop rotation. Crop rotation involves systematically changing the types of crops grown in a particular area over time.

Rust of wheat is a plant disease caused by a fungus. Wheat rust disease reduces the yield of crops. They are transmitted through wind and seeds. They can be controlled using chemicals that kill microorganisms.

  Last update :  Thu 25 Aug 2022
  Post Views :  9082
  Post Category :  Medical Science