List of major inventions and scientists related to medical science:

There have been many different discoveries and inventions in contemporary times like cell biology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology which not only improved the quality of life But life expectancy also increased. Here we are telling you the list of inventions and discoveries of biological sciences which will not only help you in preparing for competitive exams like NDA, SSC, State Services, Banking, etc. but will also help students in your academic studies.

Search name Name of scientist
Vitamin Hopkins Hopkins
Antigen landsteiner
DNA Watson and Crick
DDT Paul Muller
Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann
Insulin Batting and west
Polio Vaccine J E Salk
TB bacteria Robert Koch
BCG Colmette and Guerin
Bacteria leeuwenhoek
Open heart surgery Walton Lillehei
Streptomycin Waxman
Stethoscope Water to drain
Penicillin A Fleming
RNA Watson and Arthur
Malaria germs Charles loveran
Kidney machine Dr. Willem Kolfe
Heart transplant Christian barnard
Anti pregnancy pills Pincus
Genetic code Hargobind Khurana
First test tube baby Edwards and Step Toe
Blood circulation William Harvey
leprosy bacteria Henson
Vaccination Edward jenner 
Polio drop Albert Sabin
Cancer's genes Robert Weinberg
Chloroform Harrison and Simpson
Rh factor, blood replacement Charles Landsteiner
Sex hormones Eugen stank
Sperm Hmm and leu wen hokey
Spleen work Barcraft
Streptomycin - antibiotic Selman Waksamy
Sulfa drugs Domgak ji
Three Kingdoms Classification Ernest Hackley
Thyroxine Edward calvin
Turner syndrome Turner
Cancer Robert welberg
X-ray x Hairdressing
Gimmes enzyme Edward bachchan
ABA (Abscisic Acid) Adikto
A calli animal Rossel von Rosenhof
Animal Cloning-First (Frog to Frog) Robert Briggs and Thomas King
Antibodies against rabies Louis Pasteur
Antitoxin against diphtheria Von bering
Artificial heart Michael Debke
Aspirin Dresser
ATP K. iron
Bacteriophage Tovart and D'Herelle
Biocatalyst Bushner
Biochemical Growth wald
Blood cells Marcelo Malpoghi
Blood circulation William Harvey
Blood coagulation explained morvits
Blood group (AB) De Costello and Sterley
Blood group (o) De Costello and Sterley
Blood Groups (A, B and O) Karl Land Steiner
Blood pressure measured Stephen Hales
Carbon dating Libby W.F
Room Robert hook
Cell division Half mister
Cell theory Satchlands and dogs
Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich
Chloroform James Simpson
Chloro Me Teen (Antibiotic) Burq holder
Chloroplast Shimper
Cholera bacteria Robert Kochu
Chromatin Flaming woo
Chromatography Michael White
Chromosomes (nuclear filaments) - Anton Schneider
Color blindness (a type of eye disease in which there is no difference between red and green) Hornard
Compound microscope Zakaria jansen
Birth control pills Pincus
Curtis Edward calvin
CT Scan (Computer Assisted Tomography (CAT)) Alan McLeod Karmak and Lord Frey Neobold Hasfield
Kyclosis Amiki mr bo
ECG (electrocardiogram) equipment Einthoven
Electron microscope Knoll M and Ruska E
Reticulum Porter KR, Claude Orfulman
Human development Takeyo
Five Kingdoms Classification Whitaker R.H
Flowers - your reproductive organs have developed Grave
Foot and mouth disease first viral disease of animals Loeffler F and Frosch A
Four state classification Copeland
Glycolysis (EMP pathway) Mbden, Meyerhof and Parnas
Glyoxisome Brandenbuch
Gulgi Bodies Kamalio Golgi
Green revolution Norman E Borlaug
Hemophilia John C. Otto
Heart transplant Surgery christian barnard
HIV luke montagnier
Hormones Bellis and Myna
Human gene therapy Martin clive
Insulin Sir Frederick Grant Branding; JJR McLeod

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Pedology is a branch of geology that deals with the scientific study of soil. It studies soil formation, structure, properties, different types of soil, its natural characteristics, chemical and physical processes, soil fertility, utility, soil management etc.

Indian-born Sir C.V. Raman, a scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Astrophysics, his invention is named after him for the Raman effect.

The first scientist to explain blood circulation is William Harvey. He was an English physician and anatomist who made significant contributions to the field of medicine.

The use of artificial heart for surgery was started by Christiaan Barnard. The world's first human heart transplant was performed by Christian Bernard on 3 December 1967 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Dhanvantari is considered the Vaidya of Ayurveda, the 'Lord of Medicine'. Dhanvantari is an incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism. He is the originator of Ayurveda. According to Hindu religion, he is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He had descended on the earth at the time of the churning of the ocean.

  Last update :  Wed 27 Jul 2022
  Post Views :  16249
  Post Category :  Medical Science