Training Institutes of the Indian Navy: The maritime branch of the Indian Army, the Indian Navy is the custodian of Indian civilization and culture with a glorious history of 5600 years. With 55,000 personnel, the world's fifth largest navy, playing a major role in guarding the Indian border, also participates in military exercises with other major friendly nations of the world. With its continuous modernization efforts over the years, it is well on its way to succeeding India's ambition of becoming a major world power.

Indian Navy In 1613, the Indian Marines were organized as a fighting force of the East India Company. In 1685 AD it was named "Bombay Marine", which lasted till 1830 AD. On 08 September 1934, the Indian Legislative Council passed the Indian Naval Discipline Act and the Royal Indian Navy was born. Presently Admiral Karambir Singh is the Chief of Naval Staff of India. Admiral Karambir Singh took over as the Chief of the Indian Navy on 31 May 2019.

List of Indian Navy Training Institutes:

Name of the Training Institute Status of the Training Institute Location
INS Pioneer Leadership Training Institute Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
INS Chilka Naval Training Institute District- Khurda, Orissa
INS Dronacharya Fire training school  Kochi, Kerala
INS Garuda Aviation Institute Kochi, Kerala
INS Attack Military Operations/Logistics Training Institute Malad (West), Mumbai
Naval Medical Institute Institute of Naval Medicine Colaba, Mumbai
INS Kunjali Music Training School Colaba, Mumbai
INS Mandovi Boarder & Physical Training School  Verma, Goa
INS Satavahana Submarine Training School Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Naval Institute of Educational and Training Technology NIETT Willingdon Island, Kochi
National Institute of Hydrology CAT 'A' certification by International Hydrographic Organization Vasco-da-Gama, Goa
INS Shivaj Engineering Training Institute  Pune, Maharashtra
INS Vishwakarma Shipwright School Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
INS Valsura Electrical Training Institute Jamnagar, Gujarat
INS Venduruthy Naval Training Institute Willingdon Island, Kochi
Inter-Services - NDA, Khadakwasla National Defense Academy  Khadakwasla, Pune
Inter-Services - DSSC, Wellington Defence Services Staff College Wellington, Tamil Nadu
Inter-Services - NDC, New Delhi National Defense College (NDC) New Delhi

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  Last update :  Fri 27 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  15478
  Post Category :  Indian Army Organizations