World No Tobacco Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld No Tobacco Day ()
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUN Members Countries

World No Tobacco Day Brief

Every year on 31st May 'World No Smoking Day' or 'World No Tobacco Day' or 'International No Tobacco Day' is celebrated all over the world.

World No Tobacco Day History

In view of the harm caused by Tobacco, in the year 1987, the member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution, by which it was decided to celebrate this day from 07 April 1988. After this, it was decided to celebrate No Tobacco Day every 31st May.

World No Tobacco Day Theme(s)

  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2022 is “Blood donation is an act of solidarity. Join the effort and save lives”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2021 was “Give blood and keep the world beating”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2020 was “Safe Blood Saves Lives”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2019 was “Safe Blood for All”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2018 was “Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2017 was “Give Blood. Give Now. Give Often”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2016 was “Blood connects us all”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2015 was “Thank you for saving my life”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2014 was “Safe blood for saving mothers”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2013 was “Give the gift of life: donate blood”
  • The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2012 was “Every blood donor is a hero”

More info about World No Tobacco Day

Some important facts related to Smoking:

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is produced in 125 countries around the world.
  • Worldwide, 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced every year and more than a billion people consume them.
  • According to the report, 80 percent of men worldwide use tobacco, but in some countries the habit of smoking among women has increased significantly.
  • India has about 10 percent of the world's smokers, according to the report, about 25 thousand people in India consume tobacco through gutkha, beedi, cigarette, hookah etc.
  • India produces 10 billion cigarettes and 72 crore 5 million kg of tobacco.
  • India ranks sixth in terms of tobacco exports after Brazil, China, USA, Malawi and Italy.
  • In developing countries, 8,000 children die every year due to parental smoking.
  • The number of people dying of tobacco-related diseases in India is increasing very fast as compared to any other country in the world.

Disadvantages of Tobacco Consumption:

Regular use of tobacco increases the risk of lung cancer. This is because elements like Chromium, Arsenic, Benzopyrins, Nicotine, Nitrosamines are found in very high amounts in tobacco.

  • Smoking of any kind is the leading cause of more than 90 percent of lung cancers, brain hemorrhages and strokes.
  • Cigarettes and tobacco - effective in the form of cancer of the mouth, spinal cord, throat and bladder.
  • Carcinogenic substances present in cigarettes and tobacco help in the destruction of body cells and their formation by stopping the growth of cancer.
  • Long-term smoking increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, uterus, kidney and digestive gland.
  • Consumption of smoking and exposure to its smoke unintentionally is the main cause of heart and brain diseases.
  • Substances like nicotine, carbon monoxide present in smoke fumes are the cause of diseases related to heart, glands and arteries.
  • By consuming tobacco, the person's body gradually deteriorates. In addition, it also has a bad effect on the brain.

Problems caused by Tobacco (problems):

  • Respiratory distress.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Being tired
  • Not sleeping properly
  • Stay tense.
  • Having a throat problem.
  • Prolonged cough.
  • Sometimes bleeding while coughing.
  • Risk of getting cancer.

How can I give up the habit of addiction?

If you do the following measures, then you can easily quit the addiction or addiction:-

  • First of all, make a decision in your mind that you want to quit smoking.
  • Medical methods can be used.
  • De-addiction centers can be helped.
  • You can also resort to chewing gum, spray or inhaler to quit intoxication.
  • Include foods rich in antioxidants in the diet.
  • Try to be as busy as possible to quit tobacco.

Important Days of May Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 MayInternational Labor Day - International Day
02 MayWorld Comedy Day - International Day
03 MayWorld Press Freedom Day - International Day
08 MayWorld Red Cross and Red Crescent Day - International Day
11 MayNational Technology Day - National Day
12 MayInternational Nurses Day - International Day
15 MayWorld Family Day - International Day
17 MayWorld Information Society Day - International Day
18 MayInternational Museum Day - International Day
21 MayAnti-Terrorism Day - International Day
22 MayWorld Biodiversity Day - International Day
31 MayWorld No Tobacco Day - International Day
मई माह का दूसरा रविवार of MayMothers Day - International Day
मई माह का पहला मंगलवार of MayWorld Asthma Day - International Day

World No Tobacco Day FAQs:

World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on 31 May.

Yes, World No Tobacco Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on May all over the World.

World No Tobacco Day is observed every year by UN Members Countries.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  10357
  Post Category :  Important Days of May