Find Hindi meaning of Clumsy. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Clumsy" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Clumsy" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionawkward in movement or in handling things
Hindi Meaning of Clumsyअनपढ़, फूहड़, बेडौल, भद्दा, स्थूल, अदक्ष, भोंड़ा, ख़राब, अनुपयुक्त
Synonyms of ClumsyAwkward, Graceless, Unskilled
Antonyms of ClumsyExpert, Dexterous, Adroit

Use of "Clumsy" word in sentences, examples

  • This is the excruciating moment a clumsy shopper caused £5,000 (5,540 euros) of damage in less than five seconds.
  • Matt Gillett was great in the middle for the home side, while Martin Taupau was the Kiwis' best in a gutsy, yet clumsy effort.
  • Doctors' Notes: How to help your 'clumsy' child
  • Granted Barrow made the most of the challenge with his reaction, it was still a very rash and clumsy tackle from the Switzerland international.
  • Bluenose II to return to wooden rudder, steel version proves heavy, clumsy.

Similar words of "Clumsy"

Adeptनिपुण, दक्ष, कुशल, महारथी, जानकार, माहिर, अभिज्ञ, गुणी, प्रवीण
Agileमुस्तैद, कुशल, चपल, चालाक, चुस्त, तेज़, दक्ष, फुर्तीला, स्फूर्तिमान
Awkwardभद्दा, बेढंगा, कठिन, व्यग्र
Daintyसुरुचिकर, सुकुमार, स्वादिष्ट, प्रसाद, मृदु, सुहावना, रुचिर, मधुर
Deftचतुर, चालक, दक्ष, निपुण, कुशल, योग्य, सक्षम, सक्रिय, तेज़, धूर्त
Dexterousकुशल, दक्ष, निपुण, योग्य, सक्षम, चतुर, अनुभवी
Maladroitअकुशल, अनुपयुक्त, अनादि, चिंताजनक, नाजुक, बेडोल, बेढंगा, भद्दा
Mavenप्रवीण, शानदार, सर्वश्रेष्ठ, सर्वकुशल, बहुत अच्छा, योग्य, सर्वोत्तम, सुरमा
Nimbleदक्ष, तेज़, फुर्तीला, सक्रिय, द्रुतगामी, कुशल, चालक, चुस्त
Proficientगुणी, कुशल, दक्ष, निपुण, अभिज्ञ
Suaveमनभावन, मीठा, रुचिर, सौम्य, चापलूस, मधुर, कोमल, चिकना, नरम, निर्बाध
Tactlessअभद्र, सीधा, अकुशल, अनाड़ी, अनुपुयक्त, अमान्य, अयोग्य, असंगत
Ungainlyबेढंगा, भद्दा, अनगढ़, फ़ूहड़, बेडोल, स्थूल, भोंडा, बेकार

Clumsy FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Clumsy is, अनपढ़, फूहड़, बेडौल, भद्दा, स्थूल, अदक्ष, भोंड़ा, ख़राब, अनुपयुक्त .

Similar words for Clumsy are Awkward, Graceless, Unskilled.

The Definition of Clumsy is awkward in movement or in handling things.

Expert, Dexterous, Adroit, are antonyms of the Clumsy word.

Clumsy is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  7107
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning