Find Hindi meaning of Tactless. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Tactless" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Tactless" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionhaving or showing a lack of skill and sensitivity in dealing with others
Hindi Meaning of Tactlessअभद्र, सीधा, अकुशल, अनाड़ी, अनुपुयक्त, अमान्य, अयोग्य, असंगत
Synonyms of TactlessClumsy, Gauche, Impolitic
Antonyms of TactlessDiscreet, Thoughtful, Refined

Use of "Tactless" word in sentences, examples

  • I will berate myself, punish myself with a cruel and tactless inner monologue and retreat even further into my hermit lifestyle.
  • Her son, Jason (Sam Swainsbury), is tactless and self-absorbed, while his girlfriend
  • That's not to say that all of these flourishes were tactless, however.
  • There is the abrupt and tactless Saga Noren in the Swedish crime drama The Bridge
  • Radio station KIIS FM has refused to apologise over a tactless radio stunt during Steve Smith's emotional press conference on Thursday night.

Similar words of "Tactless"

Diplomaticकूटनीतिक, राजनयिक, व्यवहारकुशल, कौशल -सम्बन्धी, नीति-सम्बन्धी, कूटनीति विषयक

Tactless FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Tactless is, अभद्र, सीधा, अकुशल, अनाड़ी, अनुपुयक्त, अमान्य, अयोग्य, असंगत.

Similar words for Tactless are Clumsy, Gauche, Impolitic.

The Definition of Tactless is having or showing a lack of skill and sensitivity in dealing with others.

Discreet, Thoughtful, Refined, are antonyms of the Tactless word.

Tactless is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1953
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning