The year 1857 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1857 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1857 in World ⚡

10 MayThe first battle of freedom struggle started from the cantonment of Meerut.
17 MayBahadur Shah was declared the second Mughal emperor.
18 JulyBombay University was established.
21 SeptemberBahadur Shah II surrendered to the British.
23 SeptemberThe Russian warship Laffert went missing in a severe storm in the Gulf of Finland, killing 826 people.
22 FebruaryRobert Bedle Powell, the founder of the international body of scouts, was born in a religious house in London. He established an international institution of scouts with the aim of bringing forth the youth in the society and helping the weak.
21 MarchThe devastating earthquake in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, killed about 170,000 people.
24 JanuaryThe Universities of Calcutta and Bombay were established as the first multidisciplinary modern universities in South Asia.
24 FebruaryThe first US postage stamp was handed over to the government.
23 MarchElisha Otis established the first elevator in New York at 488 Broadway, New York City).
04 AprilThe Anglo and Persian Wars ended.
22 JuneThe Victoria and Albert Museum in London was officially opened by Queen Victoria.
24 AugustThe terror of 1857 was one of the most severe economic crises in US history.
13 OctoberTerror of 1857: New York's banks were not opened until December 12.
09 NovemberFirst copy of Atlantic Monthly magazine published.
31 DecemberQueen Victoria made Ottawa the capital of Canada.
09 JanuaryA 7.9 Mw earthquake rupture part of the San Andreas Fault in California and was felt as far east as Las Vegas.
26 MayAmerican Das Drade Scott, who had earlier sued for his freedom, was liberated by his original owner Henry Taylorblo.
24 AugustNew York City Branch of Ohio Life Insurance and Trustco. After a widespread embezzlement collapsed, a serious crisis arose, causing about 5,000 businesses to fail.
24 OctoberSheffield FC of the world's oldest association football clubstyle was established in operations.
31 DecemberRani Victoria selected Ottawa, the capital of the British colonial of Canada.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1857 in India ⚡

29 MarchIn Barrackpore Cantonment near Kolkata, soldier Mangal Pandey opened the first shot and started a rebellion against the British Empire. This was the first rebellion in India against the British rule, called the military revolt.
08 AprilMangal Pandey, who fired the first shot at the British, was hanged during India's first freedom struggle.
10 MayIndian Rebellion of 1857: Indian fighters started rebellion in Delhi from British East India Company.
15 JulyIndian Rebellion of 1857: Second massacre took place in Kanpur.
24 JanuaryThe University of Calcutta, the first modern university in theIndian subcontinent, was established in Calcutta.
10 MayThe constable rebellion against the company rules by the British EastIndia Company began.
27 MayNana Saheb was caught in Kanpur. Nand Saheb, born as Dhondu Pant, was an Indian, Maratha elite, who led the Kanpur rebellion during the Indian rebellion of 1857. He was the adopted son of exiled Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao II.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1857 😀

11 JulySir Chettur Sankaran Nair / Lawyer / India
16 MayRao Bahadur Raghunath Narasinha Mudholkar / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History