According to Gregory calendar, January 09 is the day number 9 in a given year. January 09 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 09 January in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1718France declared a fight against Spain.
1721The committee investigating the South Sea bubble in England published its findings.
1768Philip Astley organized the first modern circus in London.
1771Emperor Go-Momozono accepted the throne of Japan after the abduction of his maasi.
1792Jesse's treaty ended the Russian Empire's war with the Ottoman Empire over Croatia.
1799British Prime Minister William Pitt introduced income tax to raise money for the war against young Napoleon.
1816Sir Humphrey Davy's Davy lamp was first tested underground at Hebburn colliery in north eastern England as a coal mining safety lamp.
1816Inventor Humphry Davy first tested his Davy lamp a safety lamp containing a candle for use in coal mines.
1839The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype photographic process, named after its inventor, French artist and chemist Louis Daguerre .
1854Pittsburgh, USA to encourage German culture. Teutonia Bazaar was founded in.
1855The Clapper Guiding Star disappeared in the Atlantic Sea, killing 40 people.
1857A 7.9 Mw earthquake rupture part of the San Andreas Fault in California and was felt as far east as Las Vegas.
1873Napoleon Bonaparte III, one of the boldest European rulers of the 19th century, died.
1878Umberto I was made king of Italy.
1909Ernest Shackleton, leading the Nimrod Expedition, planted the British flag 97 nautical miles (180 km) from the South Pole, the farthest anyone has ever reached at that time.
1915Bombay (now Mumbai) arrived after Mahatma Gandhi returned from South Africa.
1923Lithuanian residents of the Memel Territory rebelled against the League of Nations decision to leave the area as a mandated region under French control.
1934Famous playback singer of Hindi cinema Mahendra Kapoor was born.
1936An earthquake killed 250 people in Colombia.
1941Six thousand Jews were killed in Bucharest, the capital of the European country Romania.
1945The Battle of Bestang Pass began north of Manila.
1951The United Nations headquarters officially opened in New York, USA.
1960Construction of a dam called Aswan started on the Nile River in Egypt.
1962Cuba and the Soviet Union signed a trade treaty.
1972RMS Queen Elizabeth, an ocean liner which sailed the Atlantic Ocean for the Cunard White Star Line, was destroyed by fire in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong.
1972The Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association Lost to the Milwaukee Bucks, ending a 33-game winning streak, the longest of any team in American professional sports.
1972Seawise University, formerly RMS Queen Elizabeth, an ocean liner which sailed the Atlantic Ocean for the Cunard White Star Line,was destroyed by fire in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong.
1974Farhan Akhtar, the famous film producer, screenwriter, lyricist, singer and actor of Hindi cinema, was born.
1981U.S. Representative Raymond F. Lederer was convicted of bribery and conspiracy for his role in the Abscam scandal, but continued to serve his term for three more months.
1991Representatives from the United States and Iraq met at the Geneva Peace Conference to try to find a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
1995Ecuador and Peru involved in boundary fight. The fight continues since long.
1995The worker at Newark airport accidentally cuts the electrical wire while working.
1996First Chechen War: Chechen separatists launched raids in the city of Kizlyar, Republic of Dagestan, which turned into a massive hostage crisis involving thousands of civilians.
1998Wayne Gretzky is selected best NHL player ever by the hockey news.
2002Michael Jackson was awarded the Century Award at the American Music Awards.
2004Twenty-eight illegal Albanian emigrants died when their inflatable boat installed near the Karaburun Peninsula while on the way to Brindisi, Italy.
2004Mahmoud Abbas was elected President of the Palestinian National Authority to replace Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004.
2007Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs announced the iPhone.
2007The first state ministry was formed in Japan.
2011The Algerian government cuts food prices and commits to punish those responsible for the riots recently happened in the country. This is an effort made by the country to suppress riots.
2011Flight number 277 of Iran Air crashed in which 77 people died.
2012700 former Tamil tigers are released by the Sri Lankan army after completing a rehabilitation program.
2012There has been a clash between the United Kingdom's Westminster and Scottish government as because of the referendum on Scottish independence.
2012Lionel Messi won FIFA's Ballon d'Or Best Footballer) award for the second consecutive year.
2013No candidate is elected this year to the national baseball hall of fame for the 1st time since 1996.
2013The Venezuela's supreme tribunal of justice has deferred the latest inauguration of President Hugo Chavez. This is because of his cancer operation.
475Basiliscus became Byzantine Emperor after Zeno was forced to flee Constantinople.

Important Historical Events of 09 January in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1922Indian biochemist and Nobel Prize for Medicine Hargovind Khurana was born.
1982The first Indian scientific expedition team reached Antarctica.
1998Viswanathan Anand of India is defeated by Anatoly Karpov to retain chess title.

Important Days of 09 January National & International Days 🏁

Pravasi Bharatiya DivasNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 09 January 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1922Har Gobind Khorana / Scientist / India
2000Hima Das / Player / India
1889Vrindavan Lal Verma / Author / India
1921Lister Sinclair / Broadcaster / India
1921Ram Sundar Das / Politician / India
1922Dr. Hargovind Khurana / Biochemist / India
1922Hargovind Khurana / Scientist / India
1946Mohammad Ishaq Khan / Academic / India
1952Kaushik Basu / Academic / India
1974Farhan Akhtar / Film Director / India
1982Anusha Dhandekar / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 09 january 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 2 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  12717
  Post Category :  History of January