The year 1859 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1859 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1859 in World ⚡

24 JuneThe Solforino War of Austria with France and Sardenia took place.
28 OctoberSpain declared war against the African country of Morocco.
17 AugustThe letters were sent for the first time through a hot air balloon. '
27 AugustDorabji Tata, who laid the foundation of Tata Steel, was born in Mumbai.
24 JanuaryOil was dug for oil for a depth of 230 meters for the first time.
18 AprilThe leader of the 1857 rebellion Tatya Tope was hanged.
28 JanuaryThe city of Olympia was incorporated into the state of Washington, United States.
14 FebruaryOregon was accepted as the 33rd US state.
21 MarchThe Scotland National Gallery opened in Edinburgh.
06 AprilThe US recognized the Liberal government in the Mexico War for reform.
30 MayBattle of Fetto: The Sardinian army defeated the Austrian army.
30 JuneComstock silver laud was discovered in Nevada.
27 AugustFirst oil by Edwin Drake came out near Titusville Penn.
02 SeptemberGas lighting introduced for Hawaii.
26 OctoberThe steamship Royal Charter was broken off the coast of Welles in England, killing 658 people.
15 NovemberThe first Zappa Olympics were started in Greece.
04 DecemberThe Maketeb-e Mulkiyya school was established in the Ottoman Empire.
04 FebruaryGerman scholar Constantin von Tischendorf rediscovered theCodex Sinaiticus, a 4th-century uncial manuscript of the Greek Bible, inSaint Catherine's Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai in Egypt.
17 FebruaryThe French Navy captured the Citadel of Saigon, a fortress that was manned by 1,000 Nguy?n Dynasty soldiers, en route to conquering Saigon and other regions of southern Vietnam.
04 AprilBryant Minstrales premiered the popular American song 'Dixie' Na New York City as part of his blackfase mineral show.
06 JuneQueen Victoria signed letters to separate the colony of Quukunsland from New South Wales.
15 JuneA pig shooting in the San Juan Islands led the so -called pig war on the border between the United States and the British North America.
30 JuneThe French Acrobat Charles Blondin crossed the Niagara Gorge on Atragropay, turning one of the world's most famous criteria.
08 JulyCharles XV was accepted as king for the throne of Sweden and Norway. His reign ended by 1872. In fact, he was the 9th king of Sweden, but he adopted numerals according to Sweden's fictional history.
27 AugustEdwin Drake successfully drilled for oil in Titasville, Pennsylvania, USA, resulting in a congestion of penylvania oil and modern oil industry.
17 SeptemberDissatisfied with the legal and political structures of the helpless states, Joshua Norton distributed letters to various newspapers San Francisco, declaring himself as Emperor Norton.
16 OctoberExpecting to initiate an armed slave rebellion, American eliminator John Brown led a raid on the Harpers Ferry Armary at Harpers Ferry Armary, Westwearginia.
15 NovemberThe first modern game of the Olympic Games, sponsored by businessman Evezelos Zappa, took place in Athens, Greece.
24 NovemberThe first published by British naturalist Charles Darwinwas on the origin of the species, and its initial print run was sold on the first day.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1859 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1859 😀

13 JanuaryBhupendra Nath Basu / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History