According to Gregory calendar, on October 26, the day number in a year is 299 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 300. October 26 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 26 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1341The Byzantin Army announced Chief Minister John VIK Antacogenos Emperor, launching a civil war between its supporters and the successor of the throne of the throne of John V. Palayolose.
1708The construction of St Paul's Cathedral in London was completed.
1708The last stone of St. Paul Cathedral was rebuilt after burning theory in the Great Fire of London of 1666, its architect was placed by Thesson of Christopher Wrain.
1811The Argentine government declared freedom of expression for the press.
1813In the 1812-A war, about 1,630 French Canadians and the warriors of the militia and Mohawk along with Charles Day SalabariPlles attempted about 4,000 US military to invade Canada.
1825The Erie Canal opened between the Hudson River and Lake Erie.
1859The steamship Royal Charter was broken off the coast of Welles in England, killing 658 people.
1863The Football Association was formed in London.
1865Standard Oil Company opened.
1876The American Library Association was established in Philadelphia.
1881Gunfite O.K. One of the most famous skyscrapers in the history of the American Old West, was in the Erizona, Erizona, among the Dungon faction of Coral, Wet Erp and Ike Clayton.
1911China's first civil code was introduced in the imperial court.
1921The Chicago Theater, which is the oldest living neo-barocferench-poverty grand movie palace, opened.
1940One of the most effective aircraft of the Allies during World War II, North American P -51 Mustang created its first flight.
1943The cholera epidemic in Calcutta (then Kolkata) killed 2155 people in the third week of October.
1944During his Vice Presidential campaign, Democratic candidate David Duke told reporters that he was never a member of the Ku Cluks Clan, nor would he ever be.
1944In one of the largest naval battles in the Second World War-modern history, the friendly forces defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy in the seas around the Philipinian Island of the Gulf of Lyte.
1950Saint Mother Teresa established a charity mission in Calcutta.
1951Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain.
1955Nago Dinh Dim declared himself the President of Vietnam's new Republic of Vietnam after defeating former Emperor Baao Dai in the previous referendum under the supervision of his brother Nago Dinh Nhu.
1958Pan American launched the first transatlantic flight of the World Airways Boeing 707.
1959In the first, photographs of the distant edge of the moon are caught on Earth using a Soviet satellite that is sending radio signals back to Earth.
1966The headquarters of Brussels NATO were moved from Paris.
1969The first astronauts to step on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin came to Mumbai.
1975Egyptian President Anwar Sadat became the first President of the country to make an official visit to the US.
1976Republic of Trinidad and Tobago gained independence from Britain.
1977Ali Mao Malin, cook of Somalian Hospital, began a displaysomom in the final known known smallpox case.
1979Chung-Hey, president of South Korea Park, was murdered by Kim J-KU, the theater of the Korean Korean Intelligence Agency and a long-time friend.
1980Israeli President Yitzhak Nawon became the first Israeli President to visit Egypt.
1984The two -week -old baby 'Baby Fay' was given the first chance of his heart transplant, in which her heart was replaced by a young Baboon. Nevertheless, she lived for only 20 days.
1985The Australian government owned Alasukan, the owner of Aluru for the local Pitjantjatara people, as Aires Rock.
1994Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty to decide the relationship between the two countries and vowed that neither repetition would be allowed to create a platform for military attacks by a thirdcover.
2000Laurent Gagbo Cotte Robert Guaye, who became the first President of D-ivience, was dropped out of power during the 1999 Evorian Cupdat.
2005A historical monument is discovered in Bosnia, a historical monument to become a pyramid for the first time to become a pyramid.
2006During the creation of general elections, the National Assembly of Nicaragua has passed a law, which prohibits any kind of abortion.
2007US space agency NASA's vehicle Discovery successfully landed at the International Space Center.
2007Russian and European Union leaders meet for their annual summit in Lisbon.
2009South Korean-origin scientist, Hwang Wu-Muk has been condemned for fraud in his research on stem cells.
2010Iran has started stocking fuel at its first nuclear power plant Bushahar plant.
2011Ra.One, which is the most expensive Bollywood film ever, has been released to overlap with Deepawali, the Hindu festival of Deepas.
2012Violent clashes in Burma killed 64 people.
2012Former Italian PM has been sentenced to four years for fiscal fraud for tainted Silvio Berlusconi.
2014In view of the recent attack against the Egyptian Army, the latter delegation refused to pass the peace talks between Israel and Palestinian organization Hamas.
2015A 7.5-magnitude earthquake in the Hindukush mountain range of northeastern Afghanistan killed 398 people and injured 2536.

Important Historical Events of 26 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1775Bahadurshah Zafar, the last emperor of the Mughals was born in India.
1934All India Rural Industries Association was established under the patronage of Mahatma Gandhi.
1962After the Chinese attack on India, the then President declared emergency for the first time.
1999The Supreme Court of India fixed life imprisonment for 14 years.
2001Japan announced the lifting of sanctions against India and Pakistan.

Important Days of 26 October National & International Days 🏁

Ganeshshankar Vidyarthi JayantiNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 26 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1890Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi / Politician / India
1923Ram Prakash Gupta / Politician / India
1933Sarekoppa Bangarappa / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 26 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Fri 16 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13730
  Post Category :  History of October