Find Hindi meaning of Timid. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Timid" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Timid" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionshowing a lack of courage
Hindi Meaning of Timidबुजदिल, कायर, डरपोक, संकोचशील, घबराने वाला, संशयी, शंकालु, भीरु
Synonyms of TimidCoy, Demure, Modest
Antonyms of TimidBold, Audacious, Daring

Use of "Timid" word in sentences, examples

  • A Timid Japan Recalls Its Bubble Era
  • Timidity not a good look for Jack Wilshere
  • An MHK has accused ministers of being 'timid' in developing a plan for the Island's main sea ports.
  • Our Legislature is timid on climate change, but it's making progress.
  • This is no time to be timid, today's healthcare system is simply not delivering outcomes commensurate with its cost.

Similar words of "Timid"

Adventurousसाहसी, जांबाज, निडर, जीवटवाला, उघमशील, उत्साही, जोखिमपूर्ण, रोमांचक
Audaciousअक्खड़, उज्दड़, ढीठ, दु:साहसी, ध्रष्ट, निडर, साहसी, निर्भीक, बहादुर, शूरवीर
Doughtyनिर्भीक, हिम्मती, पराक्रमी, निडर, साहसी
Gallantसाहसिक, साहसी, बहादुर, रंगीला, भड़कीला, शानदार, जांबाज, रसिक, मनुष्य, छेला
Intrepidनिडर, निर्भर, बहादुर, साहसी, मजबूत, शूरवीर
Undauntedअविचलित, अडिग, निडर, साहसी, बहादुर, निर्भिक, जांबाज, अभित
Valiantसाहसी, निडर, सुरवीर, दलेर, बहादुर, पराक्रमी

Timid FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Timid is, बुजदिल, कायर, डरपोक, संकोचशील, घबराने वाला, संशयी, शंकालु, भीरु.

Similar words for Timid are Coy, Demure, Modest.

The Definition of Timid is showing a lack of courage.

Bold, Audacious, Daring, are antonyms of the Timid word.

Timid is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  7089
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning