The year 1739 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1739 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1739 in World ⚡

23 SeptemberThe Belgrade peace deal was signed between Russia and Turkey.
22 MarchThe invader Nadir Shah allowed his army to massacre in Delhi. The slaughter lasted 58 days.
01 JanuaryJBC Bouvet de Lausier explored the island of Baveat near Antarctica.
12 MayJohn Wesley laid the foundation stone of Bristol, the world's first Methodist meeting house in New Room, England.
02 JuneThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was established in Stockholm, Sweden.
10 JulyKing George II authorized the Board of Admiralty to seek maritime retaliation against Spain.
23 SeptemberRussia and Turkey signed Belgrade peace treaty.
19 OctoberEngland declared war with Spain.
22 NovemberJenkins' War: The Battle of Porto Bello: British maritime armies attacked the Spanish exporting Ponmian silver town of Portobello.
01 JanuaryBouvet Island in the South Atlantic Ocean, the most remote island in the world, was discovered by French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier.
13 FebruaryDuring his invasion of the Mughal Empire, the forces of Nader, Shah of Persia, defeated the Mughal army at Karnal within three hours, despite being outnumbered six-to-one.
23 FebruaryThe identity of English highwayman Dick Turpin, who had beenliving under an alias in York, was uncovered by his formerschoolteacher, who recognised his handwriting, leading to Turpin'sarrest.
09 SeptemberStono Rebellion, at that time the British America's largest slave rebellion exploded near Charlston, South Carolina.
20 NovemberJenkins's Battle of Year-e-Bitish naval force captured Portobello's settlement in Spanish Main (Modern Panama).

Important Historical Events of the Year 1739 in India ⚡

26 MayAfghanistan was separated from India as a result of a treaty between the Mughal emperor Mohammad Shah and Nadir Shah of Iran.
24 FebruaryBattle of Karnal: The army of the Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeated the army of Mohammad Shah, the Mughal Emperor of India.
20 MarchNadir Shah captured the city of Delhi in India and stole all the jewels of the Mayur throne including Koh-Noor.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1739 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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