According to Gregory calendar, February 13 is the day number 44 in a given year. February 13 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 13 February in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1542Queen Catherine of England was given the death penalty.
1542Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, was executed for adultery.
1542Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, was executed for adultery.
1575King Henry III of France was crowned at Reims.
1660The five-year-old Charles XI became King of Sweden.
1689The manifesto, named Bill of Rights, was read out at the ceremony of the crowning of King William Trinity and Queen Mary II of Britain. With this Britain's governance system changed to conditional monarchy.
1689Glorious Revolution-Mary Stuart and her husband William III of Orange were proclaimed co-rulers of England and Ireland.
1706Battle over Frostd: Swedish army defeated Russia.
1713The Mughal ruler Jahandar Shah was strangled to death.
1739During his invasion of the Mughal Empire, the forces of Nader, Shah of Persia, defeated the Mughal army at Karnal within three hours, despite being outnumbered six-to-one.
1741Andrew Bedford published his first American magazine.
1755The kingdom of Mataram on Java was divided into two parts, the Sultanate of Yogakarta and the Sunnets of Surakarta.
1766John Mills was elected a fellow of the Royal Society with Benjamin Franklin as his sponsor.
1786Abraham Baldwin was elected president of the University of Georgia.
1795The first state university in the US opened in North Carolina.
1799The first American insurance law was passed by the Massachusetts legislature.
1812The first Chilean newspaper Aurora de Chile stood to deal with political philosophy and in favor of the new national government.
1815The Cambridge Union Society, one of the oldest debating societies in the world, was founded at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England.
1867Work began on the covering of the Scene, burying the polluted main waterway in Brussels to allow urban renewal in the centre of the city.
1880American inventor Thomas Edison observed the Edison effect, which later formed the basis of vacuum tube diodes designed by English electrical engineer John Ambrose Fleming.
1883German composer Richard Wagner Venice died of a heart attack in Italy.
1883German musician Richard Wagner died at the age of 70.
1891Anti-tobacco campaign started in Iran.
1917Mata Hari was arrested in Paris for spying.
1931Sandhya Mukherjee was born, Hindi and Bengali playback singer.
1945The Soviet Union captured the Hungarian capital Budapest after a 49-day war with Germany in which one lakh 59 thousand people died.
1945World War II-The Allies began their strategic bombing ofDresden, Saxony, Germany, resulting in a lethal firestorm which killedtens of thousands of civilians.
1960African American college students staged the first of theNashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee, partof a nonviolent direct action campaign to end racial segregation.
1961American geode prospectors discovered what they claimed was a500,000-year-old rock with a spark plug encased inside it.
1970The English rock band Black Sabbath released their eponymousdebut album, which is recognised as the first major album to be creditedwith the development of the heavy metal genre.
1973The United States dollar rate was reduced by 10%.
1974The disgruntled Nobel laureate Alexander Solgenitsyn was expelled from the Soviet Union.
1976Nigeria's General Murtala Mohammed was assassinated in a military coup.
1978A bomb exploded outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, the site of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, killing three people and injuring eleven others.
1980The Winter Olympics were played in Lake Placid New York.
1981Sewer explosion caused by the ignition of hexane vapor destroyed more than two miles (3 km) of streets in Louisville,Kentucky, US.
198364 people died in a fire in a cinema house in Turin, Italy.
1991The US bombed Iraq, killing 334 people.
1991Gulf War: The United States Air Force dropped two laser-guided 'smart bombs' on an air-raid shelter in Baghdad, Iraq, which was believed to be a military command site, killing at least 408 civilians.
1997The Hubble Telescope was captured by Discovery.
1998Howard Stern announces that he make the film “Private Parts”.
2000The US Female Figure skating championships as well as the US Male Figure skating championship was held in 2000.
2001A 6.6 magnitude earthquake in the Central American country of El Salvador killed at least 400 people.
2008The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd issue a formal apology for the Aboriginal people of Australia.
2008Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apology to Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations.
2010Georgian luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili dies in a fatal crash during a tracing run for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics before the opening ceremonies.
2011Opposite leaders in Iran plans a nationwide anti-government rally in an attempt to replicate the success of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.
2011Lady Antebellum won the Song of the Year and Record of the Year award for the song “Need You Now”, at the 53rd Grammy Awards.
2012Moody’s Investors Service peru s a negative outlook for the credit ratings for Austria, France and United Kingdom.
2013US Treasury Secretary nominee, called Jack Lew begins his confirmation on hearing by testifying before the US Senate’s financial committee.
2014An explosion in an illegal gambling house in the city of Cali, China, killed 14 people and injured 17 people.
2014Venezuelan President, Nicolas Madura arrested more anti-government protestors holding about 19 people suspected of attempting to undermine him.

Important Historical Events of 13 February in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1879One of the important national leaders of India, Sarojini Naidu was born.
1931New Delhi was inaugurated as the new capital of British India by Viceroy Lord Irwin.
2010A terrorist bombing at a bakery popular among foreigners in Pune, India, killed 17 people and injured 60 more.

Important Days of 13 February National & International Days 🏁

Birth Anniversary Of Sarojini NaiduNational Day
World Radio DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 13 February 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1879Sarojini Naidu / Politician / India
1835Mirza Ghulam Ahmad / Religious Leader / India
1879Sarojini Naidu / Poet / India
1879Sarojini Naidu / Politician / India
1879Sarojini Naidu / Writer / India
1911Faiz Ahmad Faiz / Poet / India
1940G. V. Satyavati / Doctor / India

See full list of famous people born on 13 february 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 7 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  12193
  Post Category :  History of February