According to Gregory calendar, on November 22, the day number in a year is 326 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 327. November 22 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 22 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1517After the death of Alexander Lodhi, his son Abraham Lodi became the ruler of Delhi.
1635John F. A few hours after Kennedy's Dallas, Texas, Lindon B. Johnson was sworn in as the 36th President of the United States in one of the Air Force.
1635The Dutch colonial forces on Taiwan launched a three -month peace campaign against the tribals of Taiwan.
1707Prince Johann Willem Friso sworn in as Viceroy of Friesland.
1707Prince Johann Willem Friso was sworn in as Viceroy of Freesland.
1714King Karel XII was released from Turkish captivity to return to Sweden.
1718Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood sent a Royal Navy contingent to North Carolina, citing a violation of the amnesty agreement with Blackbeard, where he battled Blackbeard and his crew at Oakrock Inlet. Blackbeard killed in action.
1718The pirate Blackbird was killed by a boarding party on the banks of North Kerolina by British sailors, which ended the rule of terror in the Caribbean.
1739Jenkins' War: The Battle of Porto Bello: British maritime armies attacked the Spanish exporting Ponmian silver town of Portobello.
1808Thomas Cook, founder of the world's famous travel company Thomas Cook & Sons, was born.
1830Charles Gray became Prime Minister of Britain.
1831Following a bloody battle with the army due to 600 casualties, rebel silk workers seized Lyon, France, which started the first cannutrovelt.
1877The first college lacrosse game was played between New York University and Manhattan College.
1877Thomas Edison invented the gramophone. For this, he worked for 7 years.
1906International radio telecommunications code was adopted, SOS service was introduced for emergencies.
1910Brazilian warships Minus Garas, Sao Paulo, Bahia's team - all of which were commissioned only months ago - and many small warships revolted who were known as Lash in the language of rebellion.
1933The Fujian People's Government was announced in the city of Fujian, China.
1939Samajwadi Party chief and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav was born.
1955Colonel Tom Parker Elvis Presley signed to RCA Records.
1963The first B -2 Stealth Bomber of the United States Air Force was first displayed in the Air Force Plant 42 in Pamdale, California.
1967The Security Council of the United Nations passed Proposition 242 regarding Palestine.
1967The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 242 after the six-day war between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
1968The proposal to change the name of Madras State to Tamil Nadu received approval from the Lok Sabha.
1975Juan Colors became the king of Spain.
1975Two days after the death of Francisco Franco, Juan Carlos I were declared the king of Spain according to the law of succession made by Franco.
1977British Airways regularly inaugurated supersonic Concorde service from London to New York City.
1986Mike Tyson won his first boxing title by defeating Trevor Barbic in Las Vegas.
1988Angela Merkel took charge as the first female Chancellor.
1992In Assam, a bomb blast on a bus by Bodo militants killed 27 people.
1995Toy Story, was the first feature film made using only computer-early imagery.
1997Diana Hayden won the world beauty title.
2004Large scale protests began across Ukraine due to the presidential election allegations between Prime Minister Victor Yanukovych and opposition leader Victor Yushchenko.
2005In Kenya, voters disastrously formed a new constitution, which gave more power to the President.
2005The assembly of the International Space Station began when Zarya, its first module, was launched from Baijonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.
2005Angela Merkel of Germany's CDU Party became the first woman Chancellor of Germany.
20067 foreign oil workers have been taken hostage in Nigeria. In an attempt to save people, 4 people, including a hostage, a soldier and two kidnappers, were killed.
2007The charity of the rehabilitation organization of Tamils ​​has been banned by Sri Lanka, as it is funding "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Emm"
2008According to the Government of Columbia, at least 10 people have died and about 12,000 people have been forced to evacuate due to the explosion of Nevado del Huila in Southern Columbia.
2008Eminent Hindi poet Kunwar Narayan was selected for the 2005 Jnanpith Award.
2009The United States Senate allowed a debate on the Health Services Reform Bill starting on 30 November 2009.
2010Ten Somalis pirates are being tried to attack Germany. This is the country's first pirate test in 400 years.
2011Bulobophilm Nokternum, discovered by an orchid scientists, on the banks of Papua Guinea Guinea in New Britain. This is the first orchid known to bloom at night.
2012Policemen have succeeded in ending the hostage situation peacefully in the northern city of Thessaloniki in Greece as they are arresting a 72 -year -old Greek pensioner who was threatening to build a tax office building on fire due to financial conflict.
2014Bahrain voters go to ballot papers for the first time after the failed Pearl Revolution.

Important Historical Events of 22 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1812War of 1812 - During the punitive campaign against the villages of American native -tribals, a contingent of Indiana Rangers was ambushed by Kikapu, Vinnabago and Shaoni warriors.
2013Cyclone Helen attacked the state of Andhra Pradesh in India and killed at least six people and cut power in thousands of villages.

Important Days of 22 November National & International Days 🏁

Jhalkari Bai JayantiNational Day
Lebanon Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 22 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1864Rukhmabai Raut / Doctor / India
1864Rukhmabai / Doctor / India
1913Lakshmi Kant Jha / Civil Servant / India
1913Lakshmi Kant Jha / Politician / India
1939Mulayam Singh Yadav / Politician / India
1956Eggoni Pushpa Lalitha / Bishop / India
1972Indrani Mukerjea / Consultant / India
1989Vindhya Tiwari / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 22 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November