The year 1849 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1849 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1849 in World ⚡

13 NovemberPeter Burnett was appointed the first Governor of California.
18 DecemberWilliam Bond took the first photograph of the moon through the telescope.
11 JanuaryElizabeth Blackwell became the first woman in the US to pursue a medical degree.
23 JanuaryElizabeth Blackwell became the first American woman to obtain a medical degree.
01 JanuaryFrance released the country's first postage stamp under the name Serus.
04 FebruaryThe University of Wisconsin starts in 1 room with 20 students.
03 MarchThe United States Congress passed the Gold Coinage Act to allow the structure of gold coins.
14 AprilThe Hungarian Revolution of 1848: Independence in the Hungarian Revolutionary Parliament Debrecen declared the Habsburg Empire.
31 MayThe final edition of the Orange Sheet "Journal de la Hay" was published.
21 JuneBattle over Vaghausel: Prussian troops defeated the Baden rebels.
06 JulyBattle of Fredericia: The Danish army razed the Prussian army at Fredericia, Jutland, ending the Prussian / Danish War by 1864.
22 AugustFirst air raid in history: Austria launches pilotless balloon against the Italian city of Venice.
01 SeptemberThe California Constitutional Convention was held in Monterey.
16 OctoberAvery College was founded in Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
13 NovemberThe California Constitution was approved in a general election.
21 December1 US Skating Club was formed in Philadelphia).
23 JanuaryElizabeth Blackwell received her M.D. from Geneva Medical College in New York, making her the first female physician in the United States and the first openly identified woman to graduate from medical school.
25 AprilAfter Lord Elgin, the Governor General of Canada signed a rabelion loss bill in the law to compensate the residents of Lowercanada to compensate the losses in the 1837 rebellion, the protesters created a ruckus under the Parliament House in Montreal and created a ruckus .
10 MayA private dispute in New York City between actor Edwin Forest and Williamke turned into a riot, injuring at least 25dead and more than 120.
22 MayAbraham Lincoln was issued a patent for an invention for a liftboat over obstacles in a river, making him the only US president to hold a patent.
05 JuneA new constitution was introduced in Denmark, which was established an aconstational monark and riggsdag, a bicanic parliament of landstanding and focusting.
17 SeptemberAmerican slave Harriot Tubman survived; She will become famous for revolving the remains of more than 70 other slaves through the ND Underground Railroad.
07 OctoberI died four days after American writer Edgar Elon Po's delicate and consistent condition was found on the streets of Baltimore, Maryland under mysterious circumstances at Washington Medical College.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1849 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1849 😀

01 JanuaryLalmohan Ghosh / Lawyer, Politician / India
01 JanuaryLal Mohan Ghosh / Lawyer / India
01 JanuaryLalmohan Ghosh / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History