According to Gregory calendar, on November 13, the day number in a year is 317 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 318. November 13 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 13 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1002King II Thald II ordered a massacre of all donations in England.
1642First English Civil War-The Royalist Army included many parliamentary army in the Battle of Turnham Green near Turner Green, Middlesex.
1715The Battle of Sherifmuer began on 13 November, during the Jerrabet Rebellion, the battle remained inconclusive but government forces led by the Jacobite army led by the Scottish Earl of March.
1789Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter to his friend - "Nothing is permanent except death and taxes."
1831Scottish physicist and mathematician Maxwell was born.
1841Scottish surgeon James Brad observed a performance of veterinaryism, which inspired him to study the subject, which he eventually called.
1849Peter Burnett was appointed the first Governor of California.
1849The California Constitution was approved in a general election.
1864The new Greek constitution was accepted.
1887Bloody Sunday clashes occurred in central London.
1903The United States acknowledged the independence of Panama.
1909A fire at a St. Paul coal mine in Cherry, Illinois, USA, killed 259 personnel.
1914Zian war-zean barbaric tribals shifted the French army to Morocco at the Battle of Al Herri.
1934The French government has explained its purpose to maintain the stability of French currency, France.
1940Walt Disney's Funtasia was shown in the first commercial film, which premiered in thirteen cities across the United States.
1945General Chiang Kai-Shek soldiers captured the Chinese coastal great wall city of Shanhikwan, accusing the communists of the victory of nationalists.
1946For the first time artificial snow was formed from a natural cloud in Massachusetts.
1953Representatives of the United Nations have suggested immediate direct dialogue to be organized between Jordan and Israel. The underlying objective of these dialogues was to avoid further border struggle between these two provinces.
1954Great Britain defeated France to win the first Rugby League World Cup at Paras Des Princess in Paristo.
1957Venice was also flooded by the floods of Italy's Po Valley.
1960152 children were killed in a fire in a movie theater in Emude, Spain.
1966The Israeli army attacked Samu's Jordan-controlled West Bank village in response to the al-Fatah land incident two days ago near the West Bank border.
1971NASA-sent vehicle Mariner-9 circled Mars.
1975The World Health Organization declared Asia to be chicken pox free.
1979The Times newspaper is published for the first time after a year of debate between unions and management, about the level of employees and the introduction of new technology.
1982South Korean boxer Dook Ku Kim suffered a deadly brain injury with the American Ray Mankini near Kaiser Palace in Las Vegas, which led to the significant regulations in the game.
1982Vietnam veteran Memorial was given to Washington, D.C. Was dedicated to Constitutional Garden.
1985Around 23,000 people died in eastern Colombia due to volcanic eruptions.
1985The volcano Newado del Ruse exploded, making a volcano, which buried the city of Armro, Columbia and killed 23,000 people.
1987The first condom commercials aired on British TV.
1989Hann-Adam II, ruling the prince of Lictenstin, took the throne of his father's death.
1989Hans-Adam II, ruling the prince of Lictenstin, took the throne on the death of his father.
1990A man started firing indiscriminately in Aramoana, Newzealand, killing thirteen people among the country's deadliest criminals.
1992The High Court of Australia ruled at the Detreach vs The Queen, although a publicly funded lawyer has no complete authority, in one situation a judge should give any request to the postponers to stay for an accused.
1993Farrukh Legahari became the eighth President of Pakistan.
1997The Security Council imposed a travel ban on Iraq.
1997Ramji Yousef was found guilty of masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
2002Pesties oil tanker Galician is broken into a heavy sea from the coast, causing a large -scale oil leak, French, Spanish and Portuguese officials broke the ships in half, refusing to enter the ship on 19 November and 20 in the sea. Million gallons drowned by sending oil and pollutes more than a thousand beaches on the Spanish and French coast.
2007After the oil leakage in the strategy of Kerch, the cleaning campaign is in full swing. 10 ships were drowned due to oil leakage and 3 sailors died, out of which 20 are still not found. 2,000 tonnes of fuel oil and 6,000 tonnes of sulfur have also been dropped.
2007Congress Wahab Akbar was killed and at least wings in an explosion at the Batsang Pambansa complex in the city of Quazone in the Philippines.
2009The Philippines President Gloria Aroyo has passed a law, considering atrocities and considering it a criminal offense which is sentenced to imprisonment up to 30 years.
2013Scientists in Tibet have discovered the oldest big cat fossils known for mankind.

Important Historical Events of 13 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2005Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has requested Nepali king Gyanendra to take measures to restore democratic rule.
2011In New York, apologizing for violating the discovery of officials of India and former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam for explosives with the United States.
2014Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma set a record by scoring an innings of 264 runs in an international ODI against Sri Lanka which is the highest run in an ODI innings. He hit 33 fours and nine sixes in his innings of 173 balls.

Important Days of 13 November National & International Days 🏁

World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 13-19 November [WHO]International Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 13 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1777Babu Kunwar Singh / Freedom Fighter / India
1780Ranjit Singh / Emperor / India
1917Vasantdada Patil / Politician / India
1925Tanguturi Suryakumari / Actress / India
1943Dr. Amruta Patel / Environmentalist / India
1967Juhi Chawla / Actress / India
1989Payal Ghosh / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 13 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November