The year 1930 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1930 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1930 in World ⚡

15 MayAlan Church, the world's first female airhostess, flew in the Auckland – Chicago flight.
19 MayWhite women gained the right to vote in South Africa.
30 JulyDeath Valley Days was first broadcast on NBC Radio.
09 OctoberLaura Ingalls, the first female pilot in the US, landed in Glendale, California after completing an intercontinental flight alone.
11 NovemberAlbert Einstein was granted a patent for the invention of the 'Einstein Refrigerator'.
25 NovemberIn Japan, 690 earthquakes were recorded in a single day.
04 AugustLegislation was enacted in Europe for the wages of young children in Belgium.
13 JanuaryThe first Mickey Mouse comic strip was published.
20 JanuaryAldrin stepped on the moon, he was the second person to go to the moon.
21 JanuaryEdwin Eugene Aldrin, the second man to step on the moon, was born.
23 JanuaryClyde Tomboag first photographed the planet Pluto.
18 FebruaryPluto, the ninth planet in our solar system for a long time, was discovered by Clyde Tombamag.
04 MarchMore than 700 people died in the terrible floods in France.
08 MarchMahatma Gandhi started the Civil Disobedience Movement.
12 MarchMahatma Gandhi started the Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. The aim was to break the salt law made by the British.
28 MarchMany Turkish cities were renamed. From the same day the capital 'Angora' was renamed 'Ankara' and 'Constaninople' was changed to 'Istanbul'.
05 AprilThe nation's father Mahatma Gandhi along with his followers reached Dandi to break the salt law.
11 AprilLaxman swing made of steel wires was opened to the public in Rishikesh.
18 FebruaryAstronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto
12 AprilGermany and Austria signed a trade agreement.
13 MayThe British Ministry of Labor made a list of 1.7 million unemployed.
09 JuneThe Chicago Board of Trade Building opened.
06 AugustThe UK Ministry of Labor made a list of 2 lakh unemployed people.
12 SeptemberThe Eastern Columbia Building was inaugurated in Los Angeles.
11 OctoberJawaharlal Nehru was released from Naini Central Jail.
21 NovemberDouglas MacArthur was sworn in as Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
16 December11 banks were closed in North Carolina.
30 JanuarySoviet meteorologist Pavel Molchanov launched one of the world's first radiosondes, a device attached to weather balloons to measure various atmospheric parameters.
10 FebruaryThe Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang launched the failed Yen Bai mutinyin the hope of ending French colonial rule in Vietnam.
06 MarchOrganized by the Communist International, hundreds of thousandsof people in major cities around the world marched to protest massunemployment associated with the Great Depression.
28 MarchTurkey changed the name of its largest city, Constantinople, to Istanbul.
31 MarchTo avoid government censorship, Hollywood film studios established their own set of industry censorship guidelines, known as the Hayes Code.
22 AprilFrance, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and United States controlled the submarine war in the London Naval Treaty and control military ships.
20 MayThe Women's Enfranchisement Act, 1930 was passed on May 19, 1930 by the South African Parliament which granted voting rights to only white women aged 21 or above.
24 MayEnglish Aviatrics Amy Johnson, Darwin, landed in Northern Territory, who became the first woman to successfully fly from England to Australia.
27 MayLocated at an altitude of 319 meters (1,047 ft), Chryslerbilading of New York City was opened as the world's tallest building before he overtook Empire State Building after 11 months.
30 JulyUruguay defeated Argentina 4–2 to win the first Football World Cup in front of his home audience Estadio Santanario in Montevidio.
06 AugustNew York City Judge Joseph Force Creater mysteriously disappeared, eventually he got the title of 'The Missingest Man in the New York'.
29 AugustSt. Killed, the last 36 residents of Scotland, are now a UNESCO WorldHeritrat site for their natural and cultural properties, voluntarily given to Moven.
06 SeptemberArgentina President Hiplito Yrigion was posted in a military coup by Jose Felix Uriburu.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1930 in India ⚡

01 JuneIndia's first deluxe train ran between Deccan Queen Bombay VT to Pune.
12 NovemberThe first round table conference started in London at Lord Irwin's initiative. 56 Indian and 23 British representatives participated in it but no member of the Indian National Congress was involved.
06 AprilMahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience Movement movement to emphasize the demand of his independent India.
18 AprilSurya Sen aka Master Da and 62 people from the Indian Republican Army attacked the Chittagong library.
25 JanuaryThree people were killed by a bomb thrown on the road from a bus in Pune, India.
12 MarchIn defiance of the salt tax in India, Mahatma Gandhi began a "march to the sea".
08 JulyKing George V established India House in London.
12 MarchGandhi began the Salt March, a24-day walk to defy the British tax on salt in colonial India.
05 MayMahatma Gandhi was arrested on 5 May and was imprisoned from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi without his Dandi March trial, where he broke the salt laws of the British Empire. A large number of Indians joined him for the first time and more than 1,00,000 people were imprisoned before the end of the year.
27 MayJayaprakash Narayan arrested after Dandi March. Jayaprakash Narayan was an Indian independence activist, social reformer and political leader who was especially remembered for the leadership of the opposition in the mid -1970s against Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
23 JuneThe Simon Commission recommended the separation of Burma in a federal India and London. The Indian Stat over the Indian Commission was a group of seven British members of the United Kingdom that was sent to India in 1928 to study the constitutional reform in Britain's most important colonial dependence. It was usually known as Simon Commission after its president.
05 OctoberThe British Aircraft R101 crashed on the way to India in France, killing 48 passengers and crew.
16 DecemberHarman Lem, 'father of' modern bank robbery', was shot during an attempt to rob a robbery in Clinton, Indiana, America.
29 DecemberMuhammad Iqbal presented a two-nation theory outline for the creation of an independent state for Muslims and majority in northwest British India.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1930 😀

16 NovemberMihir Sen / Swimmer / India
05 AugustNeil Armstrong / Astronaut / United States of america
20 OctoberLeila Seth / Judge / India
01 SeptemberCharles Correa / Architect / India
01 OctoberJ. H. Patel / Politician / India
01 MarchR. P. Goenka / Industrialist / India
02 AugustA. P. Venkateswaran / Politician / India
02 JuneBabulal Gaur / Politician / India
03 JuneGeorge Fernandes / Politician / India
04 NovemberRanjit Roy Chaudhury / Academic / India
04 MarchVirendra Kumar Sakhlecha / Politician / India
04 JuneVishwa Nath Sharma / Soldier / India
06 OctoberBhajanlal / Politician / India
06 MarchGeorge Fernandes / Politician / India
07 OctoberDhaniram Verma / Politician / India
09 JulyK Balachander / Writer / India
09 JulyK. Balachander / Actor / India
16 NovemberMihir Sen / Player / India
16 NovemberMihir Sen / Swimmer / India
17 JuneAnup Kumar / Actor / India
17 SeptemberLalgudi Jayaraman / Instrumentalist / India
17 SeptemberLalgudi Jayaraman / Violinist / India
19 JulyAshok C. Burman / Industrialist / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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