The year 1901 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1901 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1901 in World ⚡

14 JuneGolf competition was organized for the first time.
14 SeptemberUS President William McKenzie was shot and killed in the United States.
12 OctoberUS President Theodore Roosevelt changed the name of Rashtrapati Bhavan from Executive Manson to the White House.
12 DecemberG. Marconi first sent a radio message to Atlantic. The dialogue took place from Cornwall in England to Newfoundland in Canada.
14 DecemberMahatma Gandhi reached Rajkot via Porbandar.
22 JanuaryQueen Victoria of Britain died at the age of 82.
02 MarchThe world's first wireless telegraph company opened in Hawaii.
10 JanuaryThe Grand Opera House located in the city of Cincinnati was destroyed by fire.
25 AprilNew York Automobile became the first US state to have license plates.
09 MayThe first Australian Parliament opened in Melbourne.
02 JuneKatsura Taro became Prime Minister of Japan.
04 JulyWilliam Howard Taft became Governor-General of the Philippines.
28 AugustSilliman University, America's first private school, was founded in the Philippines.
26 SeptemberThe body of Abraham Lincoln, the first president of America, was buried in concrete several feet thick.
02 OctoberHolland 1 was the first submarine of the British Royal Navy, launched at Barrow-in-Furnace.
03 OctoberMotorcycle racing began in Japan.
10 DecemberThe first Nobel Prize ceremony was held in Stockholm on the fifth anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.
10 JanuaryThe first great gusher of the Texas Oil Boom was discovered in the Spindletop oil field near Beaumont, Texas, US.
25 FebruaryU.S. Steel, the first billion-dollar corporation and once theworld's largest producer of steel, was incorporated by industrialist J.P. Morgan.
31 MarchA magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Black Sea, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the region.
11 JuneThe borders of New Zealand colony to include Cook Islands are extended by the UK. Cook Islands were first settled by the Polynesian people in the 6th century, settling 1154 km from Tahiti to the north-east of Cook Island.
10 AugustThe immunized association of iron, steel and tin workers finally went on a failed strike to reduce its decline and organize a large number of new members.
28 AugustDumgete became the first American private school to be established in the country, Negros Oriental, Philippines, the country.
02 SeptemberUS Vice President Theodore Roosevelt first spoke to the famous Mrs. Minti Minnesota State Fair, spoke gently and carrying a large stick '(cartoon picture), describing his philosophy of conversation threatening to use military power. Did.
03 SeptemberAustralia's national flag, the Commonwealth Star and a Blue Enstine with the Southern Cross flew over the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne for the first time.
03 SeptemberThe national flag of Australia, a Blue Encene, with the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross, adopted the Royal Exhibition Exhibition for the first time in Melbourne.
06 SeptemberUS President William McKinley had badly injured Lyonist Leon Kozolgoz at Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
07 SeptemberIn the possession of foreign troops from eight-nation union with Peking, King China was forced to sign the boxer protocol, a inequality ending the boxer rebellion.
14 SeptemberWilliam McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, is assassinated by Leon Kozolgoz, when he is shot at the vacant border.
14 SeptemberTheodore Roosevelt became the President of the United States at the age of 42, the youngest person to do so, William McCinlevus, the buffalo, was roughly injured in Buffalo, New York.
28 SeptemberThe Philippine-American war-Filipino guerrillas killed more than forty US troops in a stunning attack in Balangiga city on Samana Island.
24 OctoberA school teacher, Anna Edson, safely rides in the first successful barrel ride on Niagra Falls.
10 DecemberThe first Nobel Prize was awarded on the anniversary of his founder Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfrednobel's death anniversary.
12 DecemberGuglillmo Marconi received the first transatalanic radio for Signalhill, New Johnfandandland from Poldhu Wireless Station, England, England.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1901 in India ⚡

18 NovemberThe famous Indian film director V. Shantaram was born.
16 FebruaryIndia's famous nationalist, social reformer, scholar and jurist Mahadev Govind Ranade died.
12 FebruaryViceroy of India Lord Curzon built the new North-West Frontier Province in Punjab near the border of Afghanistan.
01 MarchThe Census of India was the fourth and first reliable census of the British Raj.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1901 😀

18 NovemberV Shantaram / Film producer / India
03 JuneGovind Shankar Kurup / Writer / India
01 JuneShanno Devi / Politician / India
01 OctoberPartap Singh Kairon / Politician / India
01 JuneSmt. Shanno Devi / Politician / India
03 JuneG. Sankara Kurup / Poet / India
03 JuneG. Shankar Kurup / Teacher / India
06 JulyShyama Prasad Mukherjee / Lawyer / India
15 AprilAjoy Mukherjee / Politician / India
16 MarchPrahlad Balacharya Gajendragadka / Lawyer / India
18 NovemberV. Shantaram / Actor / India
20 FebruaryRamakrishna Ranga Rao of Bobbili / Politician / India
23 MarchBon Maharaja / Writer / India
23 NovemberNabakrushna Choudhuri / Politician / India
25 AprilAjay Kumar Mukherjee / Politician / India
29 JuneAmal Kumar Sarkar / Lawyer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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