According to Gregory calendar, on April 12, the day number in a year is 103 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 104. April 12 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 12 April in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1204Alexios V. Dokas participated as Marferes of Montferat and Enrix dandolo as forces under bonephens, Venice's Dogi entered the capital of Byzantin and effectively abolished the Fourse Crusade.
1621Birth of Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur.
1756Seven Years' War: Minorca invaded the French at this time under British control.
1776The fourth North Carolina Provincial Congress passed the Halifax Rizols, the first official action in American colonialism for independence from Britain during the US revolution.
1782The American Revolutionary War-The Royal Navy defeated a joint-spanish fleet in the Sentase battle that forces Jamaica's planned attack in later days.
1782Battle of Les Santes West-Indies: The British fleet defeated the French.
1796First Alliance War - Battle of Monnet: Napoleon Bonaparte won his first victory as an army commander.
1798The Helletic Republic, a French client Republican, announced the French invasion after the fall of the Old Swiss Conference.
1801William Cray was appointed Professor of Bengali at Fort William College, Calcutta (now Kolkata).
1831The Barotan Suspension Bridge in Manchester, England collapsed, allegedly in step due to a mechanical resonance inspired by soldiers on the bridge.
1844The Texan envoy signed a treaty of contract with the United States.
1861Inaugurating the US Civil War, Confederate forces started firing at Fort Sumer at Fort Sumer at Charleston, South Carolina.
1885Rakhaldas Banerjee, the famous historian who discovered Mohenjodaro, was born.
1910SMS Zrínyi, one of the last pre-planners built by Austro-Hungarian Navy, was launched.
1910SMS Zrínyi was one of the last pre-drednotes built by the Austro-Hungerian Navy.
1927The British cabinet supported the right of 21-year-old women to vote.
1930Germany and Austria signed a trade agreement.
1945The demise of US President Roosevelt.
1945US President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office, Vice President Harry Truman became President.
1945The Battle of Athition ended with the victory of the Allies
1961Abostoch 3ka-3, Soviet Cosmonot Yuri Gagarin became the first to enter outskirts to complete an orbit in 108 minutes time.
1961The Soviet Union sent the first man Yuri Gagarin into space.
1967Amaranson Theater opened in Los Angeles.
1968Six thousand sheep were killed on the farm near Dagway Provinggang in Utah as a result of the US military sprinkling a nerve agent.
1980Terry Fox submerged his artificial legs into the Atlantic Ocean in St. John, Newfoundland and Labrador, and running its own 'Marathon of Hope' towards the Pacific Ocean in Vancouver, British Columbia to raise funds across Canada for cancer research. Start
1990Jim Garry became the only artist who, the National Museum of Natural History Invashington, D.C. A single show was presented in, with his trademark dinosaurs statues, which are made of depot mobile parts.
1991The Gulf War formally ended.
1992Streetcar enrolled desire 'Ethel Barrymore opens in New York City for 137 demonstrations in 1979.
1992Disneyland was opened in Paris, Europe's first Walt Disney Park, Marne-La-Vali's Paris suburb.
1994Lawrence Cantor and Martha Cygelpost, a husband and wife's law, first gave birth to a large -scale commercial uznet spam.
1998Girija Prasad Koirala appointed as the new Prime Minister of Nepal.
2003Hungary approved joining the European Union in a referendum.
2007The canteen of the Representative Council of Iraq's building was attacked by a suicide bomber, killing a Member of Parliament and injuring 23 others.
2009Zimbabwe abandoned its official currency 'Zimbabwe Dollar'.
2010The Left Hungarian Socialist Party on 28 regional seats in Hungary Parliamentary elections, and a better Hungary in 26 regional seats, is the result of a distant movement for Hungary.
2011After the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, Japan increases the crisis level to 7, equal to the disaster in Chernobyl.
2011As a part of disagreement in China, 169 Chinese Christians attempted to hold an outdoor prayer session and were detained.
2012American company Google, Inc. Announced an increase of more than 24% in its first quarter income of 2012, and the net profit increased to $ 8.14 billion.
2012Mali, an interim president, takes an oath in Donenkunda Traitor, who has returned to civil rule after the last month's coup.
2013Massey lost his controversy with Jessie Penny; Jesse Penny Martha wins the right to sell a licensed houseware in her store in her store.
2013Russia has threatened retaliation by Russia after banning the '18 Magnitsky List', Russia has accused of violation of humans.
2013The Senate of France recognized gay marriage.
2014Researchers announced a newly -fed -administered drug that could cure hepatitis C; In the tests, 90 percent of patients were declared free from virus after 12 weeks.
2014Larry Ellison of Oracle Corporation has been given the status of American executive status to receive the highest salary for the second consecutive year; Alison's 2013 compensation is $ 78.4 million, which is more than $ 34.3 million of Robert Disney Corp of Robert Igar.
240Before the rise of Islam, the last Iranian Empire of the Sasain Empire was crowned the emperor (King of Kings').
627King Edwin of Northerbria was converted into Christianity by Bishop Polynus of York, who had previously cut his life.

Important Historical Events of 12 April in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1978To mark 125 years of Indian Railways, the country's first double-decker train was run from Victoria Terminal of Sinhagad Express (now Bombay) to Pune.

Important Days of 12 April National & International Days 🏁

International Day of Human Space FlightInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 12 April 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1917Vinoo Mankad / Cricketer / India
1943Sumitra Mahajan / Politician / India
1997Alka Gupta / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 12 april 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 14 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  10619
  Post Category :  History of April