The year 1907 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1907 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1907 in World ⚡

07 MayThe first electric tram car was run in Bombay (present day Mumbai).
31 MayTaxi service was introduced for the first time in New York City, USA.
14 JuneWomen got the right to vote in Norway.
19 SeptemberArtificial oil was first manufactured in history. This new material was invented by Scottish chemist James Yang.
26 SeptemberNew Zealand declared its independence.
16 NovemberOklahoma was recognized as the 46th state in the United States.
11 DecemberThe New Zealand parliament was completely destroyed by the fire.
17 DecemberUgyen Wangchuk became the first hereditary king of Bhutan.
19 DecemberThe explosion in the coal mine at Jacobs Creek in the US state of Pennsylvania killed 239 workers.
14 JanuaryMore than 1000 people died in the devastating earthquake in Kingston, the capital of the Caribbean country of Jamaica.
19 JanuaryEminent music composer Aminullah Hussain of Iran was born into an Iranian family in Turkmenistan.
02 FebruaryA Russian scientist named Dimitri Avenovich Mendliffe died at the age of 73 in St. Peterzburg. He made a systematic table of the chemical elements present on the earth.
15 MarchFinland became the first European country to give women the right to vote.
16 MarchThe world's largest cruiser, British Invisible, was built in Glasgow.
26 MarchFamous Hindi poetess Mahadevi Varma was born in Farukhabad.
06 JanuaryThe first Montessori school and day care center started in Rome.
22 MarchThe first taxi cab debuted in London with the parameters.
13 MayThe 5th meeting of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was held in London's secret.
15 JuneThe Hague Peace Conference was held for the second time in The Hague.
26 JuneForty people were killed, attacking a cash-banked bank coach from Georgia.
01 JulyThe Orange River Colony gained autonomy as the Orange Free State.
01 AugustRobert Baden-Powell took the first scout camp on Brownsea Island, England.
26 SeptemberNew Zealand and Newfoundland became states.
21 NovemberKing Edward VII was given the Colinan Diamond gift on his birthday.
06 DecemberAn explosion of a coal mine in Monongah city of the United States killed 362 workers.
19 DecemberA Pennsylvania coal mine explosion killed 239 people.
21 DecemberChilean soldiers set fire to mining staff at the Santa Maria School.
06 JanuaryItalian educator Maria Montessori opened her first school and daycare center for working class children in Rome, employing the philosophy of education that now bears her name.
14 JanuaryA 6.5 Mw earthquake struck Kingston, Jamaica, resulting in at least 800 deaths, which was at the time considered one of the world's deadliest earthquakes recorded in history.
26 JanuaryThe Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III, the second oldest military rifle still in official use, was introduced into British Military service.
07 FebruaryMore than 3, 000 women in London participated in the Mud March, the first large procession organized by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, seeking women's suffrage in the United Kingdom.
07 FebruaryOver 3,000 women took part in the Mud March in London, the first major march organized by the National Union of Womensuffrage Societies, demanding women's suffrage in the United Kingdom.
07 FebruaryMore than 3,000 women took part in the Mud March in London, the first major march organized by the National Union of Women Suffrage Societies, demanding women's suffrage in the United Kingdom.
17 AprilBrazil became the third country in the world to start construction on a dreaded warship, which gave rise to a very expensive South American naval weapons race.
28 MayThe first oil of Man TT Race was held. The International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) Race is an annual motor-cycle racing event held on the Isle of Man that was the world's most reputable motorcycle race for many years, and it is described as the most dangerous motorcycle road. Race in the world.
01 AugustRobert Baden-Pavel launched the scouting camp in Dorset, England, starting the scouting movement.
15 AugustJamaica American Rafael Morgan was first appointed as the Orthodox Pastor in the US.
17 OctoberThe first commercial wireless telegraph is sent above the Atlantic Ocean.
22 OctoberRunning a bank forced the Nicarbocker Trust Company of New York to operate, which gave rise to the 1907 terror.
27 OctoberThe Hungarian Lingmans firing fifteen people firing a crowd of people collecting local church consignments at CSernova (now Ružomberok, Slovakia).
06 DecemberWhen the United States Bureau of Mines was established, at least 362 miners were killed in an explosion in Mononga, West Virginia.
10 DecemberDuring the brown dog episode, around 1,000 protesters marched through London and then clashed with 400 police officers at Triphalgar Square on the existence of a memorial for animals, which were animals.
31 DecemberTimes Square in New York City organized its first New Year's Eve with a ball drop.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1907 in India ⚡

28 SeptemberThe famous Indian freedom fighter Sardar Bhagat Singh was born at the age of 23 years.
27 NovemberIndia's famous poet and writer Harivansh Rai Bachchan was born in Allahabad city in Uttar Pradesh.
06 DecemberThe first incident of dacoity related to India's freedom struggle occurred at Chingaripota railway station.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1907 😀

28 SeptemberBhagat Singh / Freedom Fighter / India
15 MaySukhdev Thapar / Freedom Fighter / India
01 AprilShivakumara Swami / Religious Leader / India
02 AprilGajanan Jagirdar / Actor / India
04 AugustSachindra Lal Singh / Politician / India
05 AugustBezawada Gopala Reddy / Politician / India
15 MaySukhdev Thapar / Activist / India
15 MaySukhdev Thapar / Freedom Fighter / India
19 AugustAcharya Hajari Prasad Dwivedi / Writer / India
19 AugustHazari Prasad Dwivedi / Author / India
19 AugustSwaran Singh / Politician / India
20 MayNana Palsikar / Actor / India
21 AugustP. Jeevanandham / Politician / India
26 MarchMahadevi Varma / Poet / India
26 MarchMahadevi Verma / Author / India
27 NovemberHarivansh Rai Bachchan / Poet / India
27 NovemberHarivansh Rai Bachchan / Writer / India
28 SeptemberBhagat Singh / Activist / India
28 SeptemberShaheed Bhagat Singh / Freedom Fighter / India
NA NABakshi Ghulam Mohammad / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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