According to Gregory calendar, on July 30, the day number in a year is 211 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 212. July 30 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 30 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1619The first House of Representatives in the US, was convened for the first time at the House of Burges, Virginia.
1656Leaded by Raja Charles X Gustav, the forces of Sweden and Brandenberg defeated the Forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth near Warsa.
1676Virginia's colonist Nathaniel Beckon and his army released a rebellion against the rule of the people of Virginia, the rule of Governor William Berkeley.
1733The first American lodge was built at the Society of Formicities of Boston.
1756Bartolomeo Rastraly built the newly built Catherine Palace to Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers.
1811Miguel Hidalgo Y Cosystilla, who was the early leader of the Mexican Warof Independence, was killed by Spanish officials.
1824Giochino became the new manager of the Rossini Theater Italian, Paris.
1825The island of Maldan was discovered.
1836The first English-language newspaper was published in Hawaii, USA.
1864Battle of the Crater: General Burnsides failed in the Petersburg attack.
1865Crescent City, California, away from the coast of America, Stemarship Jonathan, which could not be rectified by 1996, would carry a large consignment of gold coins, collided with an unknown rock and drowned, killing 225 people. .
1877A second battle ensued in the siege of Pelen.
1909Wright Banghuas built the first aircraft for the army.
1912Emperor Meiji of Japan died and he was successful by his son Yoshihito, now known as Emperor Tisho.
1914The city of Belgrade, the artillery of Austria, became the capital of Serbia.
1916German agents caused a major explosion when they vandalized the supply of Ajmerican ammunition to prevent Material from being used by the friendly nations of the First World War.
1930Death Valley Days was first broadcast on NBC Radio.
1930Uruguay defeated Argentina 4–2 to win the first Football World Cup in front of his home audience Estadio Santanario in Montevidio.
1932The tenth modern Olympic Games began in Las Angeles, USA.
1938The first children's comic The Beano was published in Britain.
1942The German army killed 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belarus.
1961The 43rd PGA Championship has been completed. Jerry Barber shot 277 in Olympia Fields IL. This was a great achievement made by him.
1966England won World Cup football for the first time by defeating West Germany in the eighth FIFA World Cup.
1972Barrymore New York is believed to die in the city of New York. It has performed 325. This was a huge success.
1974In order to impeach President Nixon in the Watergate Cover-up, the House Judiciary Committee voted for 3 and the final charge of 'high crimes and rapes'.
1975Jimmy Hofa, the leader of the American Mazdoor Union, mysteriously disappeared after the last seen outside a restaurant near Detroit.
1980The country of Vanuato received independence.
1982The Soviet Union conducted underground nuclear tests.
2000Lance Armstrong became the first American to visit France three times in a row.
2006Lebanon War-Israeli Air Force carried out a three-storey attack near South Lebanani village in Kana, killing at least 28 soldiers, including 16 children.
2006Lebanon War: Israeli Air Force carried out a three -storey attack near South Lebanani village in Kana, killing at least 28 civilians, including 16 children.
2010Two American embassy cars are set on fire in Kabul. This happened after hitting the US vehicle's citizen vehicle.
2011Zara Philips, granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II married Mike Tindel. He is internationally England Rugby Union.
201232 people died and 27 were injured when a train caught fire in Andhra Pradesh.
2012Brazilian President Dilma Roussef has set up a true commission. This will allow the country's military autocratic.
2013Israel and Palestinian officials agree to recommend negotiations for a peace agreement. It is expected that this dialogue will resolve the disputes between the two countries.
2014The US Congress votes to take legal action against the Obama administration. It has claimed that the President ended his power late on a condition of Obama Care Act without searching for necessary Congress consent.
2014The borrowing unit will pay $ 1.3 billion in the Citizen's case on fraud by nationwide financial. It ran the name of a scheme 'Hustle '. It has taken a large number of unconfirmed hostage during 2007–2008.
634Under Theodore, the Arab-Bajantin war-beanstin forces were defeated by Rashidun Khalifa near Beat Shemesh in modern Israel.
762The Khalifa of Islam was founded by Al-Mansoor, the city of Baghdad as the capital of the Islamic Empire under Abides.

Important Historical Events of 30 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1957Export Risk Insurance Corporation of India Private) Limited was established.
2012Long power cuts have affected the people of Delhi. More than 300 million people in Delhi, India are left without electricity. The city has suffered a lot due to power grid failure.
2012The highest number of electricity in history occurred in 22 Indian people, affecting over 620 million people, or about 9% of the world's people.

Important Days of 30 July National & International Days 🏁

International Day of FriendshipInternational Day
World Day against Trafficking in PersonsInternational Day
International Friendship DayInternational Day
World Anti Human Trafficking DayInternational Day
Vanuatu Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 30 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1886Muthulakshmi Reddi / Politician / India
1886Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy / Doctor / India
1886Dr. S. Muthulakshmi Reddy / Socialist / India
1927Sis Ram Ola / Politician / India
1945Navin Chawla / Civil Servant / India
1962Yakub Memon / Accountant / India
1973Sonu Nigam / Actor / India
1988Ushoshi Sengupta / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 30 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 8 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  14543
  Post Category :  History of July